buon pomeriggio puoi rispondere a tutto questo?pwedi nio ba sagutan to lahat a. and b.@LHYN2503Grazie in anticipo per il vostro aiuto
1. buon pomeriggio puoi rispondere a tutto questo?pwedi nio ba sagutan to lahat a. and b.@LHYN2503Grazie in anticipo per il vostro aiuto
B.1. noon
2.As the Sun moves, light falls on the object at an angle. The bigger angle, the longer the shadow. At noon, the Sun is directly overhead. This makes the smallest angle with the objects and so creates the shortest shadows.
5.Shadows are longer in the morning and evening and short in the noon because the sun rays are slanting in the morning and evening whereas at noon it is just above our head. The size of the shadow depends on the position of the object from the source of light.
hope it helps:)
study hard (◠‿◕)