please help me in correcting these to have a better poem ( i need it in 24 hrs) Year 2020's been hard for the entire nation But our Father up there is lending a hand Everything's going down same goes for our population Yet some still refuse to reach out their hands In this untimely crisis God is still beside us Well how you may ask? Through our Parents, Our Friends, and all the people around us So to all those people out there, We all have a common task In these darkest moments When everything feels wrong Let's set aside our opponents (maybe differences) Together let's sing our God's song Lord, help me to remember My answer is in Your hands When all else fails, You'll be here And Your strength will help me stand You have always been by my side Even though I sometimes forget You always find a way to help me deep inside So finding you eases my regret
1. please help me in correcting these to have a better poem ( i need it in 24 hrs) Year 2020's been hard for the entire nation But our Father up there is lending a hand Everything's going down same goes for our population Yet some still refuse to reach out their hands In this untimely crisis God is still beside us Well how you may ask? Through our Parents, Our Friends, and all the people around us So to all those people out there, We all have a common task In these darkest moments When everything feels wrong Let's set aside our opponents (maybe differences) Together let's sing our God's song Lord, help me to remember My answer is in Your hands When all else fails, You'll be here And Your strength will help me stand You have always been by my side Even though I sometimes forget You always find a way to help me deep inside So finding you eases my regret
Year 2020's been hard for the entire nation But our Father up there is lending a hand Everything's going down same goes for our population Yet some still refuse to reach out their hands In this untimely crisis God is still on our side Well how you may ask? Through our Parents, Our Friends, and all the people around us So to all those people out there, We all have a common task In these darkest moments When everything feels wrong Let's set aside our opponents (maybe differences) Together let's sing our God's song Lord, help me to remember My answer is in Your hands When all else fails, You'll be here And Your strength will help me stand You have always been by my side Even though I forget You sometimes , always find a way to help me deep inside That's why finding you eases my regret
this poem is good
2. Year 2020's been hard for the entire nation But our Father up there is lending a hand Everything's going down same goes for our population Yet some still refuse to reach out their hands In this untimely crisis God is still beside us Well how you may ask? Through our Parents, Our Friends, and all the people around us So to all those people out there, We all have a common task In these darkest moments When everything feels wrong Let's set aside our opponents (maybe differences) Together let's sing our God's song Lord, help me to remember My answer is in Your hands When all else fails, You'll be here And Your strength will help me stand You have always been by my side Even though I sometimes forget You always find a way to help me deep inside So finding you eases my regret help me fix my poem i need it before midnight
so it be
3. DRECTIONS: Identify what factor/s of Public Speaking is/are present in the excerpt. Write L for Logical Factor; E, for Emotional factor; M, for Mechanical factor; and T, for Technical Factor. ___1. "Taking into consideration the effects of the COVID19 pandemic in the world's economy, all leaders must unite in order to pull back the failing economy. Soon, everything will go back to the normal and we can all move on with our lives." ___2. "In this lifetime we must be thankful that money is not everything. There are so many important things in this world that may can't buy, ___3. "Don't you dare stop a man's heart who loves not only the dream of his heart but the woman whom he can't live without ". ___4. "In my presentation, you could visualize how the cases of COVID19 affliction has tremendously decreased because of the joint effort of all the government agencies under the leadership of President, Rodrigo Duterte. My countrymen, I appeal to you .Let us be together in this. Stop complaining and be patient. Soon. this shall pass and we will be thankful for the gift of life. Let us unite and beat this pandemic." ___5. "His life did not go into waste because he died serving his motherland. He is a hero and his memories will remain. Let us offer prayers for all the fallen heroes in the fight against COVID 19 Pandemic and pray unceasingly for the protection of those who valiantly stand in the frontline."
1 L
2 T
3 E
4 L
5 M
Hope its helppppppppp
4. pahelp poActivity 3: It's Adverb Harvest Time! Read the text below and pick all the adverbs you can see, and then put them in the column where they belong in the table provided below. TIMEPLACE MANNER Man and Faith Eneri S. Ogeinam Bowed by the weight of this global pandemic, our human character and resilience are again tested. Whether rich or poor, weak or strong, famous or not, no one is exempted by this COVID-19 virus. Since time immemorial, many have been crying loudly and eagerly for equality. Suddenly, this cry was answered differently. Yes, COVID-19 came not just to cause havoc on humanity and economy; but also on a lighter note, it came as a great global equalizer. This global pandemic opens doors towards various realizations and several universal truths as points of reflection. Indeed, everything in life is but just temporary. Our life, our wealth and all possessions we have, including our own skills and knowledge, they become limited, at times become meaningless and uncertain. Even the most powerful people and countries suddenly become powerless. Everything is unpredictable. We have no control of our time here on earth, for in this current situation, we all have nothing to behold. Our friends may come and go and our social connections and interactions gradually cease. Dreams, aspirations and all things we hold dearly, with a wink of an eye they slowly disappear like bubbles. Everything in this world swiftly becomes volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Indeed, we live in a VUCA world where all of us need to swim by. Nothing is certain and the only constant now is change. And the very question is, "Who do we run to? Can we fully and truly rely on the government, family and friends for help? As we battle this global pandemic, all we need is a positive mindset. More than ever, it is a time indeed of awakening, rekindling, and strengthening our FAITH. Faith to a supreme being, our God Almighty is primarily the source of our hope that keeps us going and enables us to conquer our fears and anxieties amid the gaps and huge changes in this "new normal". We all are caught off-guard, but with our faith, we continue to fight, to be proactive and to be positive at all times. We learn how to look at the brighter side of life and choose to be optimistic amid the negativity around. Hence, our faith spells the big difference in facing all forms of life's challenges. Therefore, let us hold onto our faith strongly and dearly for as long as we believe we will never tremble nor fear the unseen. Remember, God is greatest and strongest above all forms of viruses such as this COVID-19.
Entries in official record
5. MELC. Determine the worth of ideas mentioned in the text listened toInstruction: Listen to the song Father and Son by Cat Stevens, you may refer to the lyncsprovided below. Then, write your reflection about the song based on the idea t portrays crte inyour composition at least four lines from the song that captured your attention. Your reflectonmust have three paragraphsFather and SonCat Stevensir's not time to make a changeJusi relax take it easyYou're still young, that's your faultThere's so much you have to knowFind a girl, settle downIf you want you can manyLook at me I am old, but I'm happyI was once like you are nowAnd I know that it's not easyTo be calm when you've foundSomething going onBut lake your time, think a lotThink of everything you've gotFor you will still be here tomorrowBut your dreams may notPREdisHow can I try to explain?When I do he tums away againIt's always been the same, same old storyFrom the moment I could talkI was ordered to listenNow there's a wayAnd I know that I have to go awayI know I have to go2. HoIt's not time to make a changeJust relax, take it slowlyYou're süll young, that's your faultThere's so much you have to go throughFind a girl, settle downIf you want you can marryLook al me, I am old, but I'm happyPrendParentsAll the times that I criedKeeping all the things I knew insideIt's hard, but it's harder to ignore ilIf they were right, I'd agreeBut it's them they know not meNow there s a way and I knowThat I have to go awayI know I have to go
my reflection to this song is that don't rush things
cherish all the moment while still young
6. Label Me Correctly!Underline and label the adverbs in the given paragraph below. Write above yourunderlined word the letters AT for Adverb of Time, AM for Adverb of Manner, and AP forAdverb of Place.<[Plss can me this] >Today, the world is caught off guard with the coming of the COVID-19, a globalpandemic. It has affected everything and everyone. It has taken lives and is continuouslyinfecting hundreds of thousands, if not millions, around the world. To date, scientistsand health experts are still working together to discover a vaccine as a means to cureand to stop the spread of the aforesaid virus. Currently, the best ways for people not tocontract the virus are to observe proper hygiene, frequent hand washing, and use ofmask and alcohol anytime, anywhere, and everywhere they go. Equally important, is tostrengthen one’s immune system by eating healthy and nutritious food, having enoughrest and sleep, as well as doing healthy exercises. Furthermore, staying at home andstrictly observing physical distancing are also some of the best measures in avoiding thecontraction of the virus.WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF TIME1.)____________WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF MANNER2.)___________WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF PLACE3.)___________========================It’s Adverb Harvest Time!Read the text below and pick all the adverbs you can see, and then put them inthe column where they belong in the table provided below.Man and FaithBy Eneri S. OgeinamBowed by the weight of this global pandemic, our human character and resilienceare again tested. Whether rich or poor, weak or strong, famous or not, no one isexempted by this COVID-19 virus. Since time immemorial, many have been crying7loudly and eagerly for equality. Suddenly, this cry was answered differently. Yes, COVID-19 came not just to cause havoc on humanity and economy; but also, on a lighter note,it came as a great global equalizer.This global pandemic opens doors towards various realizations and severaluniversal truths as points of reflection. Indeed, everything in life is but just temporary.Our life, our wealth, and all possessions we have, including our own skills andknowledge, they become limited, at times become meaningless and uncertain. Even themost powerful people and countries suddenly become powerless. Everything isunpredictable. We have no control of our time here on earth, for in this current situation,we all have nothing to behold. Our friends may come and go, and our social connectionsand interactions gradually cease. Dreams, aspirations, and all things we hold dearly,with a wink of an eye they slowly disappear like bubbles. Everything in this world swiftlybecomes volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. Indeed, we live in a VUCA worldwhere all of us need to swim by. Nothing is certain and the only constant now is change.And the very question is, “Who do we run to? Can we fully and truly rely on thegovernment, family, and friends for help?As we battle this global pandemic, all we need is a positive mindset. More thanever, it is a time indeed of awakening, rekindling, and strengthening our FAITH. Faithto a supreme being, our God Almighty is primarily the source of our hope that keeps usgoing¢ and enables us to conquer our fears and anxieties amid the gaps and hugechanges in this “new normal”. We all are caught off-guard, but with our faith, wecontinue to fight, to be proactive and to be positive always. We learn how to look at thebrighter side of life and choose to be optimistic amid the negativity around. Hence, ourfaith spells the big difference in facing all forms of life’s challenges. Therefore, let us holdonto our faith strongly and dearly for as long as we believe we will never tremble norfear the unseen. Remember, God is greatest and strongest above all forms of virusessuch as this COVID-19.WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF TIME4.)______________WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF PLACE5.)______________WRITE HERE ALL THE ADVERBS OF MANNER6.)______________
Today - AT
To date - AT
Currently - AT
Equally Important - AM
Frequent - AM
7. 1. Which of the parts of the Research Paper is NOT correct?A. Chapter 1. The Problem and It's BackgroundB. Chapter 2. Review of Related LiteratureC. Chapter 3. Method and ProceduresD. Chapter 4. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations2. Which of the following statement is NOT true.A. Title Page is consists of the research title, names of the researchersand name of the English teacherB. Table of Contents contains the accurate paging of each part of theresearch paperC. List of Tables/Figurescontains the accurate paging of each part ofthe research paperD. Acknowledgement is a personal page where the researchers aregiven the privilege to extend gratitude to all people who helped inaccomplishing the research3. Which is not true about summary, conclusions and recommendations?A. Your conclusion should be based on your findings.B. This is where you summarizes your interpretation of data in Chapter4.C. Recommendations should be directly based on the significance ofthe studyD. Its is the part of your research where you describe the instrumentyou used for example the questionnaire4. This chapter talks about the result of your study. Here you are going topresent the data gathered using the questionnaire you used bytabulating all the gathered data.A Method and ProceduresB. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of DataC. IntroductionD. Review of Related Literature5. How will answer your panelists if they will ask you "What is thesignificance of the study?A. Simply state how your research work will helpother researchers,educators, organization practitioners and policy makers.B. In this area, mention how your study addressed the existingissues/problems/concerns that made you choose your topicsC. To answer this question, simply tell your audience/panellist thatthe findings from your study can be generalized to other relevantsettings, group or case study.D. Show the descriptive results from the study in a convincing andclear style. Make sure your findings refer to your researchobjectives/questions6. Which of the following statement is NOT true about revising yourresearch paper?A. Be sure to proofread and edit as needed.B. Read the paper from the last word to the first word.C. Having someone else read it aloud to you is a waste of time.D. After receiving some suggestions, create new outline by notingpoints you want to hit.7. Which of the following should be practiced before Oral defenseEXCEPT. ?A. You may prepare hand-outs or brochureB. Prepare for your presentation mentally and physicallyC. You need to memorize everything but you should know the keypoints.D. You may bring mode of verifications for easy reference of yourresearch.8. We review the relevant literature to knowA. What is already known about the topicB. What concepts and theories have been applied to the topicC. Who are the key contributors to the topicD. All of the above.9. In research, what writing style format is widely used?A. APA 6th editionC. CMOS 17th EditionB. MLAD. Turabian10. These are statements of the specific intent or purpose of the researchA. IntroductionC. Literature ReviewB. Objectives of the Research D. Summary and Findings11. Which of the following does NOT describe a Research ProblemA. It is the main focus of the study.B. It is the question (s) that the research will answer.C. It must be composed of measurable concepts that cannot beoperationally defined.D. It can be a result of observation (induction) or can be deduced fromexisting theory.
1. D.
(Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations are included in Chapter 5)
2. C.
(Table of contents is much correct than List of Tables/ Figures)
3. D.
( letter D. Describes chapter 3 methodology)
4. B.
(It's obvious na)
5. A.
(Significance of the study focuses on how your research will help/contribute to others)
6. B.
(It should be from first to last word)
7. C.
(you don't need to memorize everything)
8. D.
9. A.
10. A
8. brainliest ko po makasagot ng tama10. ______ is particularly the part of the story being summarized as it contains the most important details. This is the storyline *A. plotB. text typeC. narrative textD. summarize11. The time and place in which the events happen. *12. It refer to the people, animals, or creatures that take part in the action of the story. *13. A form of literary text which follows a meter and rhythm on each lines and syllables. *14. The number and style of accented syllables in a line. *15. The feeling the poet is trying to convey. *16. A group of lines in a poem. *17. The beat, sound and feel of a poem. *18. A truth, lesson, or message about life. *19. It describes the words that have the same ending sound. *20. A single row of words in a poem. 21. This is when the story is going out of tension and the story begins to wind down. *22. This final plot point is the finale or closure where everything is wrapped up and is usually short. *23.It is the most critical moment wherein tensions are highest, instilling in the reader a sense of excitement, fear, and nervousness and the likes. 24. The main conflict or tension around which the plot revolves is also usually introduced here in order to set up the sequence of events for the rest of the narrative. 25. This creates tension both within the story and the reader. It sets the rest of the plot in motion. 26. It s a grouping of people or things in a systematic way. It starts with a main idea, using the rest of the paragraph to explain a series of secondary ideas. 27. It focuses on listing facts, characteristics or features. Signal words include to begin with, secondly, then, most important, in fact, for example, several, numerous, first, next finally, also, for instance and in addition. 28.Present ideas according to the time which they occurred. 29. it Is a non- fiction text which describes why or how things happen. Example of explanation text includes:
10. D. summarize
11. Settings
12. Characters
13. Poetry
14. Standard meter
15. Mood
16. stanza
17. Rhythm
18. Theme
19. Rhyme
20. Line
21. Falling Action
22. Resolution
23. Climax
24. Exposition
25. Rising Action
26. Classification
27. Enumeration
28. Time order
29. Explanation
I'm not sure po kung tama lahat.
10.A Plot
13.Standard meter
14.We should always think positive
20.Falling action
24.The rising action
26.Time order
28.Chronological order
Hope it's help keep on learning!
9. 410. What personal health issue shown in the picture on the right may be prevented?tooth decay developmentC. callus developmentB. blurred vision developmentD, body odor development11. It is the procedure to determine the health statue of the student.A) Health Appraisal Procedure C. Academic Appraisal ProcedureB. Economic Appraisal ProcedureD. Property Appraisal Procedure12. It is part of an ear exam that tests how well a person is able to hear. It is done bymeasuring how well sound can reach the brain.(A.) Hearing (audiometric) TestC. vision screeningB. Scoliosis TestD. Height/Weight Measurement13. Which statement/s is/are true about breast self-examination?A. Breast self-examination helps doctor check that everything is normal.B. Doctors don't usually start doing breast exams until a girl is in her 20s.© During breast exam a doctor or nurse practitioner will feel a woman's breastto check any lumps and bumps and see if there are changes.D. All of the above14. How often should you visit your dentist in a year?A. at least once a yearC. at least once in three yearsB. at least once in five yearsD monthly15. How often should adolescents like you measure your weight?A. once a year B) once in six months C. once a month D. once a week16. When you need to have your eyes checked up, whom do you go to?A. dentist B. cardiologistophthalmologist D. orthopedist17. At birth, Baby Mica must already have her own medical specialist to monitor hergrowth and development. Who should her parents consult?A. gynecologist B) pediatrician C. dentistD, midwife@Prepared by: Mrs. GENEVIBE G. FERNANDEZ
10. Activity 2 Direction: Read the short story below then answer the questions The Tortoise and the Ducks By: Aesop The Tortoise, you know, carries his house on his back. No tries, he cannot leave home. They say that Jupiter punished him such a lazy stay-at-home that he would not go to Jupiter's especially invited After many years, Tortoise began to wish he had gone to th saw how gaily the birds flew about and how the Hare and the other animals ran nimbly by, always eager to see everything the Tortoise felt very sad and discontented. He wanted to see the w was with a house on his back and little short legs that could hardl One day he met a pair of Ducks and told them all his troub "We can help you to Ducks. "Take hold of this s we will carry you far up in see the whole countryside will be sorry." The Tortoise was seized the stick firmly with took hold of it one at e sailed up toward the cloud Just then a Crow flew by. He was very much astonishe cried "This must surely be the King of Tortoises!" "Why certainly"began the Tortoise. But as he opened his mouth to say these foolish wo stick, and down he fell to the ground, where he was dashed t Let's help the tortoise answer 1. Who are in thePA HELP PONONSENSE=REPORT
2.Because she didn't come to jupiter's wedding and she was so lazy
3.They are very helpful because even though that tortoise wasn't thier friend or something they still help her to explore and see the world.
4 *If it is all about jupiter's wedding*well I will not going to do the same because being invited 'especially' is a symbol of that jupiter think of you as a good friend that can't miss her wedding.
5.Follow always what is said to you.Don't be so disobedient.
Hope it helps you.
11. I will love you as a thief loves a gallery and as a crow loves a murder, as a cloud loves bats and as a range loves braes. I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong. I will love you as a battlefield loves young men and as peppermints love your allergies, and I will love you as the banana peel loves the shoe of a man who was just struck by a shingle falling off a house. I will love you as a volunteer fire department loves rushing into burning buildings and as burning buildings love to chase them back out, and as a parachute loves to leave a blimp and as a blimp operator loves to chase after it.I will love you as a dagger loves a certain person’s back, and as a certain person loves to wear dagger proof tunics, and as a dagger proof tunic loves to go to a certain dry cleaning facility, and how a certain employee of a dry cleaning facility loves to stay up late with a pair of binoculars, watching a dagger factory for hours in the hopes of catching a burglar, and as a burglar loves sneaking up behind people with binoculars, suddenly realizing that she has left her dagger at home. I will love you as a drawer loves a secret compartment, and as a secret compartment loves a secret, and as a secret loves to make a person gasp, and as a gasping person loves a glass of brandy to calm their nerves, and as a glass of brandy loves to shatter on the floor, and as the noise of glass shattering loves to make someone else gasp, and as someone else gasping loves a nearby desk to lean against, even if leaning against it presses a lever that loves to open a drawer and reveal a secret compartment. I will love you until all such compartments are discovered and opened, and until all the secrets have gone gasping into the world. I will love you until all the codes and hearts have been broken and until every anagram and egg has been unscrambled.I will love you until every fire is extinguised and until every home is rebuilt from the handsomest and most susceptible of woods, and until every criminal is handcuffed by the laziest of policemen. I will love until M. hates snakes and J. hates grammar, and I will love you until C. realizes S. is not worthy of his love and N. realizes he is not worthy of the V. I will love you until the bird hates a nest and the worm hates an apple, and until the apple hates a tree and the tree hates a nest, and until a bird hates a tree and an apple hates a nest, although honestly I cannot imagine that last occurrence no matter how hard I try. I will love you as we grow older, which has just happened, and has happened again, and happened several days ago, continuously, and then several years before that, and will continue to happen as the spinning hands of every clock and the flipping pages of every calendar mark the passage of time, except for the clocks that people have forgotten to wind and the calendars that people have forgotten to place in a highly visible area. I will love you as we find ourselves farther and farther from one another, where we once we were so close that we could slip the curved straw, and the long, slender spoon, between our lips and fingers respectively.I will love you until the chances of us running into one another slip from slim to zero, and until your face is fogged by distant memory, and your memory faced by distant fog, and your fog memorized by a distant face, and your distance distanced by the memorized memory of a foggy fog. I will love you no matter where you go and who you see, no matter where you avoid and who you don’t see, and no matter who sees you avoiding where you go. I will love you no matter what happens to you, and no matter how I discover what happens to you, and no matter what happens to me as I discover this, and now matter how I am discovered after what happens to me as I am discovering this.Where is this from?
kanta po ba yan thanks po sa points
12. Taft Avenue is a very busy part of Metro Manila. Since there is a fastpaced living in the areait is possible that condominium living has been the trend for manydue to the access it provides forinhabitants to go to business and education districts such as Manila, Quezon City, and Makati. Theincrease of condominiums around the area could also be a result of the density of people,predominantly students, given that De La Salle University, one of the country's top universities, islocated along Taft Avenue. It is probable that most of these students would prefer condominium livingrather than traveling from home to school and vice versa which, for the case of some, can be costlyIn addition, not only students but also other individuals might consider it favorable for their part to livein an area where everything they possibly need is easily accessible. (Valdez, 2016)1.What is the purpose of the writer?2.Did the writer meet his/her purpose? How?3.What do you think is/are the strength/s of this article?What do you think are the weaknesses of the article?
he is the first person in his career who have made the best thing ever for the most successful of his life is in a good fit for a new job that it is worth to win a prize in your own way to get to know the person you have the right skills.
13. finad and understand the following stations Find to meaning and encircle the leter of the correct answer 11 Emas a good leader in the clans She believes that actions.clouder than that's why she always suod everything she does a You hear your actions sp Your words are softer than your action - it's easy to say things but difficult to set and follow through 12. My grandmother said but your best foot from every time you want to have a good future a Give your best every time b. Choose carefully what best foot are you going to step forward c. Observe your foot when you are walking 13. Miel in hardworking and has a strong faith in should do your best and God will do the s God. She believes that you a To become successful, you must do your part and trust God b. God will help you achieve your dream even if you do nothing c. Let God works for you 14. Ashley is the noislest in the class Her classmates termed her "An emply vessel makes much noise" because he ranked last in the class a An empty vessel is noisy b. People who know nothing are the most talkative c An incapable person can do a lot 15. Chelsea believed what you sow is what you reap depending how much effort you exert on certain things. a. You can get what you want all the time b. You plant more so, you can harvest more c. What you do is what you get. It depends on how good or bad your action is 16 lara is an Aota. She has no confidence to show her talent because of her physical appearance Her teacher, Jona reminds her that beauty is in the eye of the beholder so, she does not have to worry what others would say a. What is beautiful to someone is the same to others b. What is beautiful to someone maybe different to others c. You can see beauty in the eye of a person
[tex]\rainbow{ \rule{50pt}{10000000pt}}[/tex]
14. Directions: Read and analyze the issues presented and their differing viewpoints. Write your comprehensive report inside the box. Issue Viewpoint A Viewpoint B My Comprehensi ve Report about the Issues Online shopping Convenience of online shopping. Customers can purchase items from the comfort of their homes or work place Frauds and receiving of fake products are not able to be returned. Write your comprehensive report about online shopping? Liquor banhttps://pepper. ph /the-liquor-ban law-the-pros-an cons-of-forced sobriety/-Less drinking after work.-Loss of income for local businesses.(Because of the ban, your husband or boyfriend will get home because earlier they aren't allowed to drink beyond one in the morning. In the(While biggerrestaurants don't only serve alcohol, there are places cater to the drinking crowd.that exclusivelyWith specialized theirWrite your comprehensive report about liquor ban.The pros and cons of academicbreakhttps://www.rappleom/newsbreak/ia/-cons-academic break-philippines during-covid-19 pandemicstudies program. said that stoppingeverything right now would allowstudents who arebeing left behind to catch up.The Philippinetheir motivation for learning.Cornelio said thatAssociation of State Universities andthe possibility of students losing their "momentum inColleges estimated that a total of 44,069 collegestudents of statelearning is high.The students willlosetheuniversities andcolleges (SUCs)were unable to enroll during thepandemic. "Pushing through with theacademic term willleave already the most vulnerablebehind." Cornelio said, adding thatthe pandemic hasaffected finances of families. and thattheof studying. Assuming that it's one for a year. Yun ngang (For just semestral break, it takes time for them to feel motivated again. How much more if it's more than two weeks or 50? We always have to think of the weakest link. The smartest ones can always catch up." he said. a)momentumWrite your comprehensive report about the pros and cons of academic break. *Students losingmomentuminEqual opportunity for all(Professor JayeellearningComelio, ADMU director of thedevelopment(While imposition the of anacademic break could bring relief tostudentsandteachers, this would eventually affectMoneyThe pros and cons of OFWshttps://www.pinoy 38work-abroad-pros cons.htmladvantage of being an OFW is money. OFWs typically earn at least twice what's considered decent О wage in the Philippines for the same amount of work. Overseas employers might be more generous in granting bonuses. careerduringadvancements.and have laws thator relationship alsowindfallsprovide cash like gratuity pay and end of service benefits. But let^ prime stemptations... SuchDetachment from family(...You don't seeyour child grow up.(The first distinctrear become them competent, upright members of society. When things go wrong. they get hooked to drugs or fail to finish studies children sometimes blame parents for abandoning them their toformative years. Being detachedfrom familyattractsa gap between the breadwinner cannot dwell on this advantage for toolong since it can be quite too costly that it breaks families apart]Write your comprehensive report about pros and cons of OFW. There are advantages and challenges of wind energyhttps://www.energov/eere/wind/adv antages-and-challeng es wind-energyIt's a clean fuel sourceor naturalwhichconventional power plants, concern particulate matter. exists overnitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxide-causinghuman5.Turbines might cause noise and aesthetic pollution(Althoughwind(Windenergy doesn't pollute the power plants haveair like power plants that relyonrelativelylittleenvironmenttoimpact on thecombustion of fossil fuels, such as coal comparedgas, emitthe noise produced by the turbineblades and visual health problems impacts to theand economic damages.) Windlandscape.)turbinesproduceatmosphericemissions thatcause acidgreenhousegases.)rain,ordon'tsmog.Write your comprehensive report about advantages and challenges of wind energy.
15. TASK 7: INTEGRATION OF IDEAS Directions: Read the given article and try to answer the following questions below. Make your answer simple and direct to the point. Taft Avenue is a very busy part of Metro Manila. Since there is a fast- paced living in the area, it is possible that condominium living has been the trend for many due to the access it provides for inhabitants to go to business and education districts such as Manila, Quezon City, and Makati . The increase of condominiums around the area could also be a result of the density of people, predominantly students, given that De La Salle University, one of the country's top universities, is located along Taft Avenue. It is probable that most of these students would prefer condominium living rather than traveling from home to school and vice versa which, for the case of some, can be costly. In addition, not only students but also other individuals might consider it favorable for their part to live in an area where everything they possibly need is easily accessible. (Valdez, 2016) 1. What is the purpose of the writer?1.What is the purpose of the writer?2.Did the writer meet his/her purpose?How?3.What do you think is/are the strength/s of this article?4.What do you think are the weaknesses of this article?
1.An author's purpose is his reason for or intent in writing. An author's purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.2.Yes because many people read his/her work that can gave courage to create more3.Article the evaluation of this information , the way it is presented , its validity and discuss the strenght and weakness of the articles4.Six major weaknesses can doom your paper to mediocrity or worse:•A too-broad thesis statement.
•A poorly formulated thesis.
•Inadequate or unfocused topic sentences.
•Writing off-subject.
•Failing to anticipate objections.
•An inadequate conclusion.