It s Been 10 Years

It s Been 10 Years

1. Helen is 13 years old his father is 6 years more than twice her age 2. Edna s 155 cm tall lilia's height is 10 cm less than twice admus height how tall is lilia 3. Roman weights 25 kg his father weights 5kg less than three times romans father 4. Francis is 10 years old been is twice as old as francis what is the age of ben 5. Aning is 5 years old i am 6 years more than that thrice her age how old i am ​.

Daftar Isi

1. 1. Helen is 13 years old his father is 6 years more than twice her age 2. Edna s 155 cm tall lilia's height is 10 cm less than twice admus height how tall is lilia 3. Roman weights 25 kg his father weights 5kg less than three times romans father 4. Francis is 10 years old been is twice as old as francis what is the age of ben 5. Aning is 5 years old i am 6 years more than that thrice her age how old i am ​.


1. 30
2. 300
3. 70
4. 20
5. 21

Step-by-step explanation:

(2 x 13) +4 = 30
(2 x 155) -10 = 300
(3 x 25) -5 = 70
2 x 10 = 20
(3 x 5) + 6 = 21

2. 1. This sweater feels itchy. 2. The train arrived late. 3. Please bring tea. 4. There were a big car and small car in the garage. S. Are you working? 6. The bill has been paid. I had not seen him for 10 years. 7. S. The copier is out of paper. 9. The boy walked fast. 10. We opened the gift after the party. 11. This food tastes delicious. 12. The wind blow violently. 13. The king sat at the end of the table. 14. These jeans are too small for me. 15. I must study hard.​

Answer: f


3. The covid-19 pandemic has changed our educational system in a way that face-face classes have been suspected to avoid the spread of the virus.Can you still remember your experience when you were in grade 6?In 10 sentence s,tell your story about the previous school year highlighting your key experience.Ask your parents to listen to you as you retell your experience.

Answer: Me iam still grade 6 and we have online class,modules because we have Corona virus


4. NEWS ALERT! Have you been aware of what's going on in the country lately? Check this out. The Palace has announced that the President has signed the Anti-Terrorism Bill on July 3, 2020. This bill aims to stop any terrorism which the nation has been suffering for many years. Most importantly, it aims to protect the lives of Filipinos from any danger of terrorist acts. Consequently, this approval has received varying opinions from the society. Now, let's have a look at your views. Do you agree with this law or not? Share your reaction or opinion. Write your explanation in at least 10 sentences. Establish coherence in your paragraph/s using appropriate linking words.




because it can make our life better without terrorists that destroying everything

5. ACTIVITY:Instruction: Read and Analyze the following situations. Determine whether the statement assigned to each group is known or unknown. Write the given for your answer and identify also the formula to be used to estimate the standard error of the mean by writing the symbol when the population variance is known and the symbol S, when the population variance is unknown.1. Because of Inclusive Education, learners with disabilities are also part of the normal students. Consider a population of the PWD learners consisting of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Samples of size 2 are drawn from the population.2. IQ scores of are normally distributed with standard deviation σ = 15 points. You wish to determine the µ of all students in Southville 1 Integrated National High School by taking a random sample of 16 students.3. The general weighted average (GWA) of the Grade 12 applicants for Pamantasan Ng Cabuyao College students over the past 12 years has been consistently 92.78. This year a sample data of the applicant's GWA are 98, 89, 92, 95, 96, 90, 91, 92, 97 amd 93.4. A finite population composed of six items whose values are 2,3,6,7,8 and 10. Samples of 3 items are drawn at a random without replacement.​

Unknown. Formula to estimate standard error of the mean is S/sqrt(n) since the population variance is unknown.Unknown. Formula to estimate standard error of the mean is σ/sqrt(n) since the population standard deviation is known.Known. Formula to estimate standard error of the mean is S/sqrt(n) since the population variance is known (equal to 0).Unknown. Formula to estimate standard error of the mean is S/sqrt(n) since the population variance is unknown.

6. I) 21H) IndiaUl your answers from the box.A) BadmintonC) 1964E) PoonaG) PhilippinesB) VolleyballD) 1992J) 25F) Mintonette1) This is the year that badminton became an Olympic sport.2) It is the game believed to have been the origin of badminton.3) It is a game that requires skills in service, strokes in hitting a shuttle, and power of the leg or footwork.4) This is the total points needed to win a game of badminton5) It is the country where badminton was believed to have come from,6) It is the name first given to volleyball._7) It is the country where volleyball was introduced by Elwood S. Brown in 1910.8) This is the year that volleyball had its first summer Olympics._9) It is a game that needs expertise in servicing, volleying, setting, spiking, and blocking.10) This is the total points needed to win a game of volleyball.​



7. in Angono,2. What is the purpose of Manunggul jarPalawan?3. It is a sculpture of a treaty based on respect and equality betweLopez de Legazpi of Spain and Rajah Sikatuna of Bohol.4. In the history of painting, he was one of the most important artiportraitist of rural Philippine landscapes5. It is a masterpiece of Carlos "Botong" Francisco that depictedthe Filipino people in times of adversity,6. “The Filipino Struggles Through History" has recently been uviewing, after four years of restoration. Who made this artwork?7. It is a deep brown abaca-based cloth tie-dyed with intricateby female weavers of the T'boli people of South Cotabato,8. It is an artwork of Nestor Leynes with his style in painting sdetails of the subjects and highlighting their texture and color.9. It is a fine and elegant handwoven fabric that is producedpineapple plants10. It is a demonstration of the skilled craftsmanship of Filipior silver in the forms of earrings, bracelets, rings, and broochesWritten No. 2. Instruction: Reflect on the richness of contemporary artin the various regions in the Philippines.Theis a sculpture made of paper-machefoot in diameter and ten to twelve feet in height. It representson in the annual festival of​


2. The Manunggul jar served as a proof of our common heritage with our Austronesian-speaking ancestors despite the diversity of cultures of the Philippine peoples. The Manunggul Jar shows that the Filipinos' maritime culture is paramount that it reflected its ancestors' religious beliefs. Many epics around the Philippines would tell how souls go to the next life, aboard boats, pass through the rivers and seas.

3. Sandugo


The Sandugo was a blood compact, performed in the island of Bohol in the Philippines, between the Spanish explorer Miguel López de Legazpi and Datu .

4. Fernando Amorsolo y Cueto


Fernando Amorsolo y Cueto (May 30, 1892 – April 24, 1972) was one of the most important artists in the history of painting in the Philippines. Amorsolo was a portraitist and painter of rural Philippine landscapes.

5. Commissioned Mural on the Filipino Struggle for Freedom


Most famous masterpiece was probably the commissioned mural on the Filipino struggle for freedom located at the Bulwagang Katipunan of the Manila City Hall.

6. Botong Francisco


Portion of the artwok depicting the Katipunan of the Philippine Revolution. The Filipino Struggles Through History is an artwork by Filipino artist Botong Francisco. The artwork is a declared National Cultural Treasure.

7. T'nalak


T'nalak, a deep brown abaca-based cloth tie-dyed with intricate designs, is produced by women of Mindanao's T'boli Tribe.

8. magic realism


Leynes' style of painting has been called Magic Realism, Hyper Realism,  his painting, Bigas, received wide acclaim for its artistry and detail (Guillermo 362).

9. Piña


Piña (Tagalog pronunciation: [pɪˈnja] pi-NYAH) is a traditional Philippine fiber made from pineapple leaves. Pineapples were widely cultivated in the Philippines since the 17th century for weaving lustrous lace-like luxury textiles known as nipis fabric.

10. ?


8. Read and analyze the following sentences. Write F if the statement is a fact and O if the statement is anopinion.36. According to World Health Organization (WHO) as of January 19,2021, there were 95,517,573 confirmedCOVID-19 cases worldwide.37 Soine people say that Sinovac is better than Sputnik Vaccine against COVID-19.38. The virus that causes COVID-19 is mainly transmitted through droplets generated when an infected personcoughs, sneezes, or exhales.39. In S Y. 2020-2021 DepEd implemented distance learning like online, modular, and radio-based approach.40. She is already sixteen years old yet so childish.41. Valentine's Day is the best time of the year because you can feel that love is in the air.42. The Philippines has the highest rate of discovery of new animal species with 16 new species of mammalsdiscovered just in the last 10 years.43. Norway warns of vaccination risks for sick patients after 25 people died.44. After we have been exposed to an infection, our immune system remembers the threat, in particular byproducing antibodies.45. According to the studies of Bloomberg, Coronavirus pandemic has infected more than 95 million and killmore than 20 million people globally since late January 2021.46. An opinion is a statement thata. can be checked or provedc. can be verified or provedb. cannot be proved or checked.d. is an experiment47. Facts might include specificabout a person, place or thing.a. beliefsb. ideac. informationd. observation48. Facts are statements that can bea. beliefsb. checked or proved c. experimented d. ideas49. Facts often containa. beliefsb. datesc. idead. observation50. Facts are something that isa. biasedb. measurable c. filled with feelingsd. provablepasagot Po Ng maayos plss​


















correct me if im wrong:))


36. F

37. O

38. F

39. F

40. O

41. O

42. F

43. F

44. F

45. O

46. B

47. C

48. B

49. D

50. D

Pa brainliest po pag nakatulong, thank you !



Yung pic nya po sana

10. Activity 2. Concept Reinforcement Directions: Select the word(s) from the pool of choices inside the box which corresponds to the correct descriptions of the given examples of family structure. Choices: Nuclear family Extended family Step families Single parent family Adoptive family Bi-racial or multiracial family Trans-racial adoptive family Blended family Condition separated families Foster family Gay or Lesbian family Immigrant family Migrant family Questions: 1. Rizal family is composed of Lola Inda, Lolo Pedro, Daddy James, Mommy Anny, and baby Harold. What type of family do they belong to? 2. Gabby has a biological child, as well as Linda too. They lived together with their children even though they were not married to each other. But they are married previously. What type of family are they? 3. Ashley has lived with Tom and Lisa since she was five months old. She does know her birth mother and sees her on holidays. Ashley lives in a(n)____ family. 4. The Jones married when they were still in college and they now have children. Recently, they brought Erik's mother to live with them because she is no longer able to care for herself. This is an example of a(n)____ family. 5.One or both parents have been married before bringing their children from a previous marriage into the family. They may have children together. 6. Two or three generations of relatives living together in one household. 7. Parents go through the courts (legal system) to make children legally their own. 8. Child or children are temporarily placed with another family until family "issues" are settled. 9. Judy and Jack Forbes have been married for 20 years and have children—Allen, Brad, and Melissa. 10. Fifteen-year-old Cathy ran away from home often so the family service agency sent Cathy to temporarily live with another family till her problems were resolved.


1.Extended Family

2.Step Families

3.Adoptive Family

4.Extended Family

5.Step Families

6.Extended Family

7.Adoptive Family

8.Foster Family

9.Nuclear Family

10.Foster Family



11. Activity 1: TELL ME is a: in Computer Hardware Servicing. Read the sentences carefully and tell whether it Direction Listed below are some of the business idea in relating the car S - STRENGTHS W- WEAKNESSES O-OPPORTUNITIES T THREATS costs high. 1. Automation is nearly impossible in the computer repair, keeping labor 2. Computer technology becomes more common with each passing year 3. New advances in computer technology continue to provide new increasing the size of the market for computer repair shop. opportunities for small business entrepreneurs. 4. Computer technology continues to grow more sophisticated may b 5. As a systems become more complex, training is in greater deman6.we get to know the customers, one by one 7. when they advertise low prices in the newspaper the customer thinks not giving then good value .8.we have been in the town forever ; we have the loyalty of customers. 9. computers repairs shop find difficult or virtually impossible to serve anything large than a local area. 10. targeting market needs more services in trms of computers repairs ​


Wala po Ba Chooses


Comment Mo lang

12. II.MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct. If the statement is wrong, change the underlined word/s to make the sentence correct 1. Wegener's curiosity about the idea of drifting continents started when he noticed the edges of South America and Eurasia in a world map could be fitted like a jigsaw puzzle. 2. The existence of coal deposits in Antarctica suggested that it was once located near the region of the Earth where the climate is enough to support complex life forms such as plants and tall trees. 3. The Cynognathus lived during the Early Permian period 286 to 258 million years ago. 4. The Glossopteris fossil is found in Australia, Antarctica, India, South Africa and South America.5. A magnetic compass can tell direction. 6. Rocks of the same age in the seafloor crust would have taken on the magnetic polarity at that part of the crust formed. 7. The magnetic reversal is also called as the magnetic flip. 8. Over the last 10 million years, there had been an average of 4 to 5 reversals per million years. 9. The occurrence of the magnetic reversal can be explained through the magnetic patterns in the magnetic rocks.10. The crystalized irons in rocks found in the seafloor act as a magnetic compass that can tell the earth's magnetic field direction.​


hello po bago lang po ako dto sa brainly paano ba maka points po at anong Meron pag naka points po ?

13. B. Directions: Write Tir the statement is TRUE or F if the statement is FALSE.1. Lite begun almost 400.000 years ago2. lee might have covered the oceans 3 billion years ago3. The main role of DNA is to store information on how other moleculesshould be arranged4. Microfossils are fossils that contain the remains of tiny plants andanimals.S. The bacteria are the first photosynthetic organisms to form.6. Deep sea vents are rich in chemical and thermal energy, sustain7. The first form of life is believed to have appeared some 4.5 billion years8. 100 percent of the universe have already been explored.9. The first fossilized animals which were discovered 580 million yearsago were hard-bodied.10. Organisms without cell nucleus are called prokaryotes​













sana makatulong:)












14. Direction: Modified True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Underline the word/s that make/s it false and write the correct information above the underlined word/s. _____ 1.You may achieve fitness if you perform physical activities like playing sports and games. _____ 2. Involvement in physical activities gives a lot of health benefits. _____ 3. Agility is the ability of a joint to bend and stretch when moving in different motions. ______ 4. Speed is a skill – related component where a player shows strength in the execution of the game plan. ______ 5. Sleeping all day, watching television and sitting are activities that should be done always. ______ 6. Games like Siato and Tumbang - Preso have always been part of all societies and a source of enjoyment since the ancient times. ______ 7. E-games are considered as examples of physical target games. ______ 8. In playing target games, the player’s objective is to land an object or ball to a designated target or goal. ______ 9.Chinese garter is a popular game among Filipino children, most specifically among girls during their elementary years. ______ 10. Golf is an act of shooting using an arrow by pulling the string back attached to the bow and letting go to push the arrow forward to the target. Pahelp po :( Need asap Brainliest ko yung makakasagot ng tama :)




3 f









wag po kayo magalit Kong mali paki tama po

15. Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to form the word and write it on the space provided. 1. Y H P A R G O T O H P _______________________ 2. T A S I R T ________________________ 3. P H O T O R G E R H A P ______________________ 4. R E O C R D I T ________________________ 5. A M A T I N I O N _____________________ 6. A D M R A _______________________ 7. M L I F ______________ 8. A Y P N H I T E G M O R C A _________________ 9. G N I A C T _______________ 10. I N T D E I G___________________ 1. Watch “Tanging Yaman” 2. After viewing has been completed, write the needed data below. a) Title: b) Director: c) Year: d. Lead characters the actors/actresses who played them: e. Film genre: f. Specific or techniques that show the art of filming:












16. Select the correct preposition in each of the sentences below.1. Almost all people fall in love at least once (by, on, during) their lifetimes.2. No one can leave the crime scene (for, as, until) the police have talked toeach and everyone.3. In my youth, school children spent most of their time outdoors(on, during, at) the summer.4. Students must complete their course work for a masters degree(by, for, within) six years to be eligible for a degree.5. NASA scientist concentrated their efforts on landing a man on the moon(by, at, throughout) the 1960's.6. Many people rush to the kitchen to get snacks (on, during, by) commercialson T.V.Good athletes can exercise (on, for during) hours before becoming'exhausted.8. A popular soap opera in America has been on the air (over, at, on) 40 years.9. Dinosaurs have been extinct (in, during, for) millions of years.10. Man first landed on the moon (at, on, in) 1969.11. Harold goes to school from 9:00 (for, te, at) 3:30.12. Larry gets up every morning (before, on, through) 6:00 to exercise.13. Hotel guests must wait (by, to, until) midmorning for room service.14. (during, for, before) starting to drive one should always fasten theirseat belt.15. I never work (on, at in) Sunday night.16. The meeting of the board of directors ended (on, at, from) 9:30.17. I usually get home from work (by, from, in) 6:00.18. I'll be there precisely (in,on, at) 3:30.19. Blood pressure goes up (for, during, to) times of stress.20. My mother has been going to PTA meeting (for, during, since) 1987.21. She left for class at five (by, past, before) 12.22. The president will address the nation (in, for on Sunday ayon​


1.during 2.until 3.during 4.for 6.during 7.for 8.over 11.for 12.on 14.before in 17.from 19.during 20.since 21.before


mag aral po kayo ng mabuti god bless po

17. IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING, WRITE TRUE IF THE STATEMENT IS TRUE AND IF IT'S FALSE, CHANGE THE UNDERLINED WORD/S TO MAKE THE STATEMENT CORRECT. 1. Life began on Earth soon after the planet was formed. 2. Big Bang theory on the origin of the universe states that 13.7 billion years ago, the universe expanded from a tiny, dense and hot mass to its present size and much cooler state. 3. Cosmologist is the study of fungi. 4. Steady-State Universe states that the universe has always been the same since the beginning and will remain in its state until eternity. 5. Oscillating Universe proposed by a Russian-born US cosmologist George Gamow who help to explain the big Bang theory upon the expansion of the universe come a halt then it collapses up to the time that universe will retum to its original form and another will occur. 6. Cosmos is the term for the star. 7. Copernicus proposed that the universe showed is still expanding in year of 1930. 8. Edwin Hubble consider as our father of modem astronomy. 9. Albert Einstein proposed that every evening have of infinite number of star with infinite space and no such any major changes happened until to the present moment. 10. Divine Universe states that God who made the universe through the proof that can be read in the holy bible stipulating that including man with in six days.​


when i met you in the summer

18. ACTIVITY 2: QUICK SCAN Directions: Analyze the given statements. Write S if the statement exhibits sound reasoning and U if unsound. 1. My Grade 8 English teacher is inspiring. My English teacher this year is also an inspiring one. Therefore, all English teachers are inspiring. 2. During General Community Quarantine, individuals who are 60 years old and above are not allowed to go outside. My neighbor has been issued with quarantine pass. Therefore, she is below 60. _3. I've watched a movie about a deer that carries virus. Therefore, all deers are virus carriers. 4. I love eating oranges since this pandemic. It is rich in Vitamin C. Therefore, all fruits are rich in Vitamin C. 5 My workmates completed their vaccination without negative effects. So vaccines are safe. 6. Since the sea is named as West Philippine Sea, it is with no doubt that the area is a property of the Philippines. 7. Gloria Diaz, Margarita Moran, Pia Wurtzbach and Catriona Gray are Filipinos who won the Miss Universe crown. Rabiya Mateo is a Filipino who can also win the Miss Universe crown. 8. Community pantry is an aid to help the needy. Therefore, rich people are never allowed to get items from there. 9. Outdoor mask-wearing is no longer required in Israel as infection drops. The cases of Covid-19 continue to rise in the Philippines. So Filipinos are still mandated to wear mask outdoor 10. GMA Network and ABS-CBN are airing Korean dramas. Some Filipino fans admire Koreans more.​


[tex]\red{ \rule{1pt}{99999pt}}[/tex]


sorry for fun only

19. DIRECTIONS: Underline the conjunction/s in the following sentences and identify what type of conjunction it is. 1. David is both wise and innovative. 2. We have been friends for many years; nevertheless, I feel at times you take me for granted. 3. Unless she runs faster, she will never make it to the finish line in the time. 4. Rebecca did not win the prize nor the trophy at the track meet. _5. After jumping the fence, Rachel was able to catch the baby lamb before it reached the waterways. _6. The wild dogs not only destroyed the chicken coop but also killed the chickens. 7. The mechanic had neither the experience nor the skill to fix the gearbox in the muscle car. 8. The heavy rain flooded the local creeks; therefore, many people were not able to return home. 9. Rachel drove her new car to the library and to the hardware store, 10. Since the heavy rain, the garden has become a patch of weeds.​











i hope it helps


A conjunction is a word that joins words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. e.g., but, and, because, although, yet, since, unless, or, nor, while, where, etc. Examples.

20. I'RE SR NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL (formerlt. Vatronal High School Zamora St., Asis I. Mendez, Cavite Activity 2. Identifying Primary and Secondary Sources * Secondary Source: a record of an event written by someone not there at the time Primary Source: a record made by people who saw or took part in an event (originates from the past) II. Directions: Determine if the source is Primary (P) or Secondary (S). Write P if the source is Primary and S if it is Secondary. Write your answer on the space provided before each item. 1. The developments in the Revolutionary War. 2. A letter written by George Washington to his mother about the latest 3. The Diary of Anne Frank - the published diary of a teenage girl who experiences the Holocaust first hand. 4. Your World History textbook or an encyclopedia. 5. The information from the museum tour guide who shows you around the exhibit and shares facts with you. 6. A biography about the second president, John Adams. 7. A movie showing the life of George Washington.. 8. A webpage talking about how life may have been in ancient Greece. 9. A friend telling you about his teacher last year. 10. A journal written by Sequoyah about how he created the cherokee alphabet. 11. A newspaper article from 2001 describing the great depression in the 1920's. 12. Another student reading a report about the tanks from World War 1. 13. An Indian's journal describing what it was like to meet white settlers for the first time. 14. The United States Constitution. 15. An interview with a soldier about what it was like in Iraq​


1. Primary

2. Primary

3. Primary

4. Secondary

5. Secondary

6. Secondary

7. Secondary

8. Secondary

9. Primary

10. Primary

11. Primary

12. Secondary

13. Primary

14. Primary

15. Primary

21. what should or not should for effective questions.Be able to determine whether the question s is effective or not.then provide the reason on your answers.. 1. What medium of communication you will use to become updated with the events?Magazine or NewspaperRadioTelevisionInternet2. What is your most usual means you use to become updated with the events?Magazine or NewspaperRadioTelevisionInternet3. Enter in the boxes opposite the three options you selected belowOption A Option B Option COption D Option E Option F4. Below are the features of camping holiday. Indicate their importance to you bynumbering from 1-4 in order where 1 is the most important.PeopleCostOpen AirMobilityAtmosphere5. “Have you been to an out of town trip recently?”6. “Have you been to an out of town trip in the last two weeks?”7. “Do you think women should eat less and exercise more?”8. “ Are you against a ban on marijuana?”9. Give your age on 1st June 2019 years.10. Are you…Under 1818-65Over 65​


Can't understand the question.

22. A. Give the criteria in evaluating literature employed in the following statements. Choose you answers from the box below. Write youranswers on the space provided. accuracy objectivity coverage reliability authority currency 1. “This paper is a little too outdated. This won’t do.” _________________ 2. “This does not go along with my research topic. I won’t need this.” ______________ 3. “This paper has just been conducted last year. This suits my study.” ____________ 4. “This paper went through a peer evaluation. This must be a thorough research.” ______________ 5. “Upon reading the title, I thought it is relevant to my study, but as I readon, it is not.” ______________ 6. “I have read the qualifications of this author and he is a doctor. I will include this.” ______________ 7. “The results of this research were also proven in the previous research I read. I will include this.” ______________ 8. “I wonder why the conclusion of this research was not congruent to his results. I will discard this.” ______________ 9. “This study was conducted in the late 90s. This does no longer apply in today’s world. I will look for another.” ______________ 10. “Oh, this education-related research was conducted by a professor emeritus from Harvard University. This shall go on my list.” ______________ Sub 31's


1. accuracy

2. authority

3. objectivity

4. currency

5. coverage

6. currency

7. accuracy

8. currency

9. coverage

10. Authority

23. GENERAL MATHEMATICS WEEK 1Parallel AssessmentIdentification. The teacher will call each of the student for this kind ofevaluation to avoid copying from each other five question will do.)1. It is the original amount of money that has been borrowed.1909 2. The person who invested the money.13. The person who owes the money.4. date on which the money is borrowed or loan is to be completelypaid.5. It is a kind of interest that is computed on the principal and also ontheaccumulated past interests.6. The amount after t years that the lender receives from the borroweron the maturity value.7. It is a kind of interest that is computed on the principal and thenadded to it.8. It is usually in percent, charged by the lender, or rate ofIncrease of the investment.9. Amount paid or earned for the use of money.10. Length of time between the origin and maturity dates.Refer to the problem below and give the answer for in each of thefollowing question.Angel borrowed P15,000 from a lending business to pay for her tuitionwhichcredits 3% interest per year. At the end of 1 year, she is expected toreturn the money announting to P15,900?1. From the given problem, what is the principal amount?2. What is the interest rate?3. How long will she pay the borrowed money?4. How much is the interest?Determine the given principal amount or interest, rate, and time ineach problem computed at simple interest and computed at compoundinterest. If you are the borrower which you will choose to borrow atsimple interest rate or on compound Interest rate. Why?Rodel invested P25,000.00 at 16% Interest for 6 years.Use General Mathematics Book.Important information on your answer sheetName, section date, week number1S​


alphabetic keyboard advantages

24. II.Identify which among the statements contain Factual information (statements that canbe verified or proven to be true or false) or Subjective content (involves judgementfeeling, opinion, intuition, or emotion rather than factual information). Write Fforfactual and S for subjective. Write your answer on the space before the number,1. Your heart pumps blood through your body.2. Sunday is the best day of the week.3. This has been a terrible month.4. Watching fireworks on the 4th of July is lots of fun.5. There are 12 months in the year.6. The pandemic Covid-19 scared the whole world.7. Everyone should make Valentine's Day cards.8. Your birthday comes only one day a year.9. Memorial Day is the most important holiday of the year.10. A giant tortoise can live to be over 150 years old.​


your heart pumps blood through your body

25. A. Find the conjunction and encircle it. On the blank, write C if it is coordinate and S if it is subordinate. 1. 2. Girlie bought a pair of red shoes, but she did not like it. The soil must be fertilized, or the corn will not flourish. Maria stood up and Diego grabbed her hand. 3. 4. Nonoy ran past the Quintos' house because he was afraid of their German shepherd. B 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Rica cannot vote until she is eighteen. You must pass the entrance exam, or else you will not be admitted to school. The insurgency problem has been going on for 17 years, yet no one can see an end to it. The loyalists have not returned to Luneta, nor have they rioted in other parts of the city. Neither the book nor the movie was worthwhile. If you go, you may use my car. He failed to read the directions, and he omitted a question. Tomatoes, squashes, and eggplants have seeds and are, there- fore, technicaly fruits. Charles and Ton are waiting in the car. I admire both his courage and his sincerity. Either Cecille or Ellen may go. Select the coniu​

Sa totoo lang ang gulo ng typing mo! Pakiayos sa susunod para masagot ka ng tama..thankyou!

Here's the answer!

1. C - but
2. C - or
3. C - and
4. S - because
5. S - until
6. C - or
7. C - yet
8. C - nor
9. C - nor
10. S - if
11. C - and
12. S - therefore
13. C - and
14. C - and
15. C - or

26. 1. D = {x/x is an odd number greater than 5 but less than 10}2. S = {x/xis an even number less than 5}>S={_3. T= {x/x is a month of the year that starts in S}T = {4. Y = {x/x is a day of the week that starts in M}Y = {.5. L = { x/x are symbols in the Roman Numeration System }L = {B. State whether each set is empty, unit, finite, or infinite.1. A = { months in a year }2. B = { consonants which are also vowels}3. C = { names of days spelled with seven letters)4. D = { men who have been to the sun}5. E= { even prime numbers greater than 50}​


1. D = {7,9}

2. S = {2,4}

3. T = {September}

4. Y = {Monday}

5. L = {I,V,X,L,C,D,M}

1. A = {January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December} = Finite

2. B = { } = Empty

3. C = {Tuesday} = Unit

4. D = { } = Empty

5. E = {52,54,56,58,60...} = Infinite

Ask me anything you want me to explain about my answer.


27. ASSESSMENT Write T if the statement is correct and if False UNDERLINE the word/s or sentences that made the statement wrong. 1. Brick and mortar companies are going stale, and it would be surprising to see warehouse distribution sites “only,” and everything is purchased online. 2. It wasn't until the 1980s that the “Internet” was structured as we know it today. 3. The point is; enabling technology has been around for centuries and has dramatically changed lives throughout history. It's exciting to think about the types of enabling technology we have yet to see, 4. The printing press provided a line of communication between some of society, and eventually books. Sixty years later there were printing presses throughout all of Western Europe. 5. The Internet first started back in the 1961s. 6. In modern times, printing presses are giving way to the digital era, but their place in history will always be cemented. 7. The goals are to clarify and explore the conceptual complexities of technology in order to provide a conceptual foundation for the study of Technology Education for the chosen. 8. In order to provide a better understanding, we've put together some of the most significant enabling technologies. 9. The point is; enabling technology has been around for centuries and has dramatically changed lives throughout history. It's exciting to think about the types of enabling technology we have yet to see. 10. The first invented eye glasses were made in Italy in 1286.pasagot ako​




1. T


3. T


5. F (underline word) 1961s

6.F (in modern times)

7. T

8. T

9. T

10.F (1286)

28. Did 'S or Dont's1. Proper lubrication of measuring instruments will prevent damage due to corrosion and oxidation.2. Always wipe not only the measuring faces of your tools, but of the work piece being measured as well.3. Always keep your tools used for measuring at extreme heat room temperature.4. The storage location should have destructive elements.5. Stack measuring instruments on top of each other even without well-protected cases.6. Do not drop , throw or bang measuring instruments against hard surfaces.7. Measuring tools will provide you with years of dependable services if you will not care for them property8. Your measuring tools should be cleaned regularly , ideally once a year.9. Some measuring instruments require occasional recalibration to ensure they continue to function as designed.10. Measuring devices that have been abused and not maintained as they should have been are apt to be for years.​














#CarryOnLearning =)

29. A. Directions: Fill in the blanks with Adverb of Affirmation or Negation. Write the letters of the correct answer. 1. We have been playing poker together for years, and I have ____________ cheated. A. obviously B. by all means C. never D. undoubtedly 2. I’m ___________ right about this! A. truly B. never C. definitely D. indeed 3. He’s ______________ going to regret drinking that much in the morning. A. certainly B. truly C. not at all D. indeed 4. Given the circumstances we _____________ have to expand in order to bolster sales. A. by all means B. truly C. not D. obviously 5. __________ you can’t expect us to move production forward without proper testing. A. no B. by all means C. surely D. indeed 6. There’s __________ a chance in hell I’ll ever do that A. not B. certainly C. no D. obviously 7. Her research has _____________ provided future generations with enough insight to continue her work. A. indeed B. verily C. by all means D. not 8. This is a battle that we are going to win _______________. A. verily B. by all means C. indeed D. not 9. We have to change our sales tactic, since I don’t see __________other way. A. truly B. indeed C. any D. no 10. Her actions are ____________ a sign of her virtue. A. verily B. never C. not D. truly

Here are the answers:

1. never

2. definitely

3. certainly

4. obviously

5. no

6. not

7. indeed

8. by all means

9. any

10. truly

Click the link to know more about adverbs of negation and affirmation:


30. THIRD DAY ACTIVITY Activity I. Identify the linking verbs found in the article. Copy them in your answer sheets. a Super typhoon Yolanda devastated central Philippines a few years ago. It placed millions of people to deeper poverty. The typhoon claimed more than 7,350 lives. As it swept in off the Pacific Ocean with its record winds and storm surges that flattened entire towns. The monster storm hit Samar and Leyte. This typhoon demolished million of houses in the region. Many residents became more impoverished. Flashfloods devastated some plants and rootcrops of farmers. Coconut farmers lost 44 million trees. It caused a big blow to their livelihood. The United Nations declared the Philippines to be well on the road recovery. The international community's response had been overwhelming. The UN humanitarian wing had served 3.7 million people with food assistance. Foreign agencies involved in the rehabilitation efforts had been humbled by the extraordinary resilience of the Filipino people. Activity II. Complete the table below by copying the sentences that follow the S-LV-C pattern. Refer to the paragraph above. Subject Linking Verb Complement 1. 2. 3. 4.​


1.the monster stormhit Samar and Leyte.










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