Do It Before It s Too Late

Do It Before It s Too Late

Read the following direction/s belowbefore doing so.1. Complete the sentences by choosingthe best coordinating conjunction (For,And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So) for eachspace. (2 points each)he put on a1. Jaewon was cold,coat2. Maria tried to read a novel in French,it was too difficult3. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, youcan flyyou can ride the ferry.we4. I bought a bottle of wine,drank it together5. The waiter was not very nice,the food was delicious6. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD,the shop did not have it.she7. Anna needed some money.took a part-time job.8. There's so much rain lately! Maybe it isbecause of El Nino,maybe it isjust coincidence.she plays it9. Julie has a guitar,really well.10. The concert was cancelled,we went to a nightclubinstead.​

Daftar Isi

1. Read the following direction/s belowbefore doing so.1. Complete the sentences by choosingthe best coordinating conjunction (For,And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So) for eachspace. (2 points each)he put on a1. Jaewon was cold,coat2. Maria tried to read a novel in French,it was too difficult3. To get from Vancouver to Victoria, youcan flyyou can ride the ferry.we4. I bought a bottle of wine,drank it together5. The waiter was not very nice,the food was delicious6. I went to buy a Rolling Stones CD,the shop did not have it.she7. Anna needed some money.took a part-time job.8. There's so much rain lately! Maybe it isbecause of El Nino,maybe it isjust coincidence.she plays it9. Julie has a guitar,really well.10. The concert was cancelled,we went to a nightclubinstead.​


1. so

2. but

3. or

4. and


6. but

7. so



2. Before you start study mature make this simple test first to find out what you ready know Recoge each type of sentence and label each as to is type (declarative interrogative, exclamato or imperative) 1. Electric reading uses the unit w 2. Please pay our water bill 2. On no our electric bis high every cubic meter costs Php. 14.00 how much will you pay if you consume 10 cubic meter the month & Cubic meter is the unit for water meter reading How do we read our electric consumption? 7 Go Our electric bw has increased for almost Php 20. from Php 150 00 raises to Php. 170 # Pay your or we will cut your electricity supply • The une for electroly s kwh and an increase in consumption per kwh will mean an incre 10 Our money due dates every 27th of the month 11 we should practice SRS namety reducereuse, recycle, recover and repair at home community 12 Wys Beneficial to always segregate our garbage? 13 How embarrassing People still throw trashes in the bodies of water. 14. Ad now and save our environment before it is too late s Practice waste management or suffer the consequences of your misdeed See What You Have learned​


Di Naman yan ma intindihan

3. Read the excerpt of the chick lit below and do the tasks that follow. holdt 'isp MY IMAGINARY EX Mina V. Esguerra appens when you play pretend. decided to avoid her as much as possible. On got a text from her: Jas, Coffee Bean, 6 tonigh s Jasmine to pretend to be his ex-girlfriend, Even if you have other plans, just stop by. Ne rees, thinking it would be fun. A few years you, urgent. s to keep convincing people that they were Then one day, she finds out he's getting In my first year of college, I told Lena that Zac Fone she'd just met once! All of a sudden, the cute guy who asked her to the Freshmar car-cut anymore. Can Jasmine sort out her was my high school boyfriend. It was not tr s, she can't even tell real from pretend came clean about it. rand Zack) before it's too late?" While walking to the coffee shop, I tried to every single detail woven into that st remember it all. Maybe this was the day t After all, she and Zack had been broken up 1 want to marry her?" "I don't know, ychology. Why does he keep having e isn't actually comnatihl ​


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4. The Russia - Ukraine War Read the article below and answer the following questions by expressing your own opinion. 1. What lesson/s can we derive from this war? 2. Write down the thesis statement of this article The war in Ukraine is unlike any war that’s been. Although it seems local, this war is changing the world. In the end, after all the pain, the parties will establish new relationships, and new relationships will be established around the world. This war is the beginning of a formation of a new world order, where all parties unite against the one common enemy of all of humanity: egoism. It will take time, but everyone involved will realize, and the whole world with them, that they are not fighting against each other, but against an enemy within them. If we let the idea sink in, even a bit, it will make it happen even sooner. The war that began in late February will not end soon. It will take many more months until everyone realizes that war itself, the very concept of it, is evil. In that sense, the war in eastern Europe is correcting all of humanity, transforming our perception and our understanding of good and evil. The casualties, the injured, and the lost property are a terrible price to pay. Nevertheless, global processes always come at a cost. We should not blame others for the cost, and we should not think that there is nothing each of us can do to change the world. It is in the hands of every person to change the world for the better, and to make the atrocities of war, and all atrocities that humans are inflicting on each other, disappear. All we need is to realize that the only enemy lies within us—our self-centered attitude. It incites us against each other, demonizes and vilifies anyone who disagrees with us, tells us that we are the only ones entitled in this world, and thereby sets us off against each other. We are all like that, infected with a pandemic of narcissism. Nevertheless, there is a lot we can do to change the world. First, we must accept that there is a good reason we are so different from each other. Each of us makes a unique contribution to the world that no one else can. If we were all the same, the contributions we receive from others, and on which our lives depend, would be absent, and we would not survive, in the most physical sense of the word. We will realize that our ego is the enemy only when we realize that singularity is the wrong key word for happiness. Today, the key word for happiness is complementarity—mutual satisfaction of each other’s material, social, emotional, and spiritual needs. We are living in a world where we are all dependent on each other. The food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the appliances and gadgets that we use are all made by people we do not know, in places we do not know, and reach us in ways we do not know. But were it not for this chain of myriad unknown individuals, we would not survive, since we cannot provide for our needs by ourselves. The same goes for social ties. All our connections, communications, and interactions with other people are made possible with the help of countless people who serve us without our awareness. But were it not for them, we would not be able to work or socialize. Despite this obvious fact, we behave toward others with as little consideration as possible, and when we are nice or considerate, it is because we have an ulterior, selfish motive. We do not have the prerogative to keep up this behavior. We are destroying the world and destroying ourselves. Back in the 1930s, Baal HaSulam, a great thinker and a great kabbalist, wrote an epic essay titled “Peace in the World.” In it, he writes, “Man is inherently born to lead a social life. Each and every individual in society is like a wheel that is linked to several other wheels placed in a machine.” How odd it is that ninety years ago, before World War II, people already realized that we are all dependent on each other and must behave toward each other with consideration. Just think what we could have avoided had we been more attentive and open-minded. Now, too, we are headed for a catastrophe unless we pay attention and begin to act like one entity, one global society that works like a single, united family. The war will change the world, but I hope we can change ourselves before the war changes us.


Ukraine started the war in 1999

5. II. Identifying Types of Paragraph. Write N H the paragraph is Narrative, E if it is Expository, Ex If it isExplanatory, and if it is Parsuasive.1. Within a year however, he had tounded a charitable organization called the Christopher ReeveFoundation in order to raise money for research on spinal cord injuries and made it his mission to find a wayfor all victims of these devastating injuries to walk again2. After many months of grueling physical therapy, he learned how to function in this new altered stateThe emotional toll was greut as he and his family struggled with the changes this accident brought into theirlives3."I'm too old' or ''s too late to change' are nothing but smiting belietus". Like any other beliefs, they're fullyunder your control and are totally replaceable in the end, you're the one who truly runs the show, as much asyou're taught to believe the opposite When it comes to making changes in your life, you have the ultimate sayIf you end up doing what others think you should, it's only because on some level you've made the decision tobelieve that their ideas are more worthy than your own( wih-examples-pdf)-4. It was July 21, 1969, and Neil Armstrong awoke with a start. It was the day he would become the firsthuman being to over walk on the moon. The joumoy had begun several days earlier, when on July 16th, theApollo 11 launched from Earth headed into outer space. On board with Neil Armstrong were Michael Collinsand Buzz Aldrin. The crew landed on the moon in the Sea of Tranquility a day before the actual walk UponNeil's first step onto the moon's surface, he declared. That's overall step for man, one giant leap formankind." It sure was!_5.People often install a kitty door, only to discover that they have a problem. The problem is their cat willnot use the kitty door. There are several common reasons why cats won't use kitty doors. First, they may notunderstand how a kitty door works. They may not understand that it is a little doorway just for them. Second,many kitty doors are dark, and cats cannot see to the other side. As such, they can't be sure of what is on theother side of the door, so they won't take the risk One laat reason cats won't use kitty doors is because somecats don't like the feeling of pushing through the door and having the door drag across their back. But don'tworry-there is a solution for this kitty-door problem(https://patternbasechutting complementary writing success paragraph examples6. Going on amusement park rides is one of the safest forms of recreation According to the InternationalAssociation of Amusement Park Attractions, you are more likely to be injured when you play sports, ride ahorse, or even dde a bicycle Stohistics show the occurrence of death to be approximately one in 250 millionriders. This group's statistics are supported by those of the National Consumer Product Safety Commission Itestimates that more than 270 million people visit amusement parks each year, and that 7,000 people out ofthose 270 million go to emergency rooms for injuries they receive on amusement park rides-that's only0.00259 percent of Aders Amusement Park Physics, Learner on Line Website7. Your knuckles are white, your palms are drenched, and it feels like your dentist has just switched on thedni. Worse at, as the click of the chain pulls the train skyward, you glance back the gum-chewing guy whostrapped you in and wonder what possessed you to put your life in the hands of a kid you wouldn't trust to wrapyour sandwich That's when you realize This is all a big mistake. Only now you're at the top, staring into the air.​


1). Ex

2). NH

3). NH

4). NH

5). E

6). Persuasive

7). E


Hope this helps :)

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