say something about the "change is the only constant in life".
1. say something about the "change is the only constant in life".
Change is the only constant in life, this is really true. Nothing stays the same. Yes, everything..we can see change in every aspect of our life.. person, intuition, situation etc. People die, people live, people are born, seasons change, people come and people go. I mean I could sit here and list all the things in life that change but the reality is the truth that life is flux nothing is constant. Everything dies and disappeared in some way shape or form. Nothing stays the same and nothing is permanent.
2. Identify the Figures of Speech in each statement "The only constant in life is change Select one a. Paradox O b. Oxymoron c. Metonymy d. Metaphor
( C )Explanation:
(C) ang aking SAGOT..!!3. “The Only Constant in Life Is Change.”- Heraclitus JOURNAL LOGGING : Ano ang dapat maging saloobin ng isang tao na humaharap sa PAGBABAGO ?
Ang dapat maging saloobin ng isang tao na humaharap sa pagbabago ay ang positibong pananaw at pagtanggap sa pagbabago. Sa halip na maging takot o magpakita ng resistensya sa pagbabago, dapat maghanap ng paraan kung paano makakasunod sa pagbabago. Kailangan ding magpakita ng kakayahang mag-adjust at mag-adapt sa bagong sitwasyon o kalagayan. Mahalaga rin na maging bukas sa pagkakamali at pagkakaroon ng pagkukulang sa unang pagsubok sa pagbabago. Sa ganitong paraan, magagawa natin ang tamang pagbabago at makakamit natin ang mga layunin na nais nating maabot
4. Filters are used to enhance photos or images to make them attractive and visually appealing. In life, we say that change is the only constant thing that exists. What specific characteristics and attitudes would you want to change in becoming a better person? Why?
5. Activity 1: Hit Heart or Like! Directions: Identify whether the statement is used to compare or contrast. On your answer sheet, write HEART if it is used to comparison and write LIKE if it is used to contrast. Write the answer only 1. Regular cardio exercise does wonder for your overall heart health. Likewise, it contributes to the betterment of your mental health. 2. Listening to your sibling and adjusting your behavior to address his/her concerns can help you both in growing up. In the same way, giving and taking favors to and from each would make your relationship even stronger. 3. Followers of Islam believe that there is only one God in existence. In like manner, Christianity is also a monotheistic religion. 4. India is an undeniably beautiful country with a rich heritage and vibrant culture. Nevertheless, the country's reputation has been tarnished over the years due to its rampant corruption problems. 5. People of the Christian faith strongly believe in the afterlife while Hindus and Buddhists preach the concept of reincarnation and nirvana. 6. Everyone expects life to go smoothly all the time but it is filled with constant ups and downs.
pa brainliest tysm
6. Earth: A Habitable PlanetRead the document carefully and answer the questions that follow Table 1. Factors that make a planet habitableFactors thatmake aPlanetHabitableNot Enough of the FactorJust RightToo Much of the FactorSituation in the Solar SystemTemperature influences how quickly atoms and molecules move.Low temperatures cause chemicals to react slowly, which interferes with the reactions necessary for life. It can also cause the freezing of water, making liquid water unavailable.Life seems to be limited to a temperature range of -15oC to 115oC. In this range, liquid water can still exist under certain conditions.At about 125oC, protein and carbohydrate molecules, and the genetic material (e.g., DNA and RNA) start to break apart. Also, high temperatures cause the quick evaporation of water.Surface: only the Earth’s surface is in this temperature range. Sub-surface: the interior of the solid planets and moons may be in this temperature range.AtmosphereSmall planets and moons have insufficient gravity to hold an atmosphere. The gas molecules escape to space, leaving the planet or moon without an insulating blanket or a protective shield.Earth and Venus are the right size to hold a sufficientatmosphere. Earth’s atmosphere is about 100 miles thick. It keeps the surface warm and protects it from radiation and small- to mediumsized meteorites.Venus’s atmosphere is 100 times thicker than Earth’s. It is made almost entirely of greenhouse gasses, making the surface too hot for life. The four giant planets are completely made of gas.Of the solid planets and moons, only Earth, Venus, and Titan have significant atmospheres. Mars’ atmosphere is about 1/100th that of Earth’s, too small for significant insulation or shielding.EnergyWhen there is too little sunlight or too few of the chemicals that provide energy to cells, such as iron or sulfur, organisms die.With a steady input of either light or chemical energy, cells can run the chemical reactions necessary for life.Light energy is a problem if it makes a planet too hot or if there are too many harmful rays, such as ultraviolet. Too many energy-rich chemicals is not a problemSurface: The inner planets get too much sunlight for life. The outer planets get too little. Sub-surface: Most solid planets and moons have energy-rich chemicals.Nutrients used to build and maintain an organism’s body.Without chemicals to make proteins and carbohydrates, organisms cannot grow. Planets without systems to deliver nutrients to its organisms (e.g., a water cycle or volcanic activity) cannot support life. Also, when nutrients are spread so thin that they are hard to obtain, such as on a gas planet, life cannot exist.All solid planets and moons have the same general chemical makeup, so nutrients are present. Those with a water cycle or volcanic activity can transport and replenish the chemicals required by living organisms.Too many nutrients are not a problem. However, too active a circulation system, such as the constant volcanism on Jupiter’s moon, Io, or the churning atmospheres of the gas planets, interferes with an organism’s ability to get enough nutrients.Surface: Earth has a water cycle, an atmosphere, and volcanoes to circulate nutrients. Venus, Titan, Io, and Mars have nutrients and ways to circulate them to organisms. Sub-surface: Any planet or moon with sub-surface water or molten rock can circulate and replenish nutrients for organismsFactors that make a planet habitable. National Science Question:1. What are the factors that make the planet habitable? 2. What are the characteristics of planet Earth that makes it habitable?
1.It has to be a comfortable distance away from a star (Habitable Zone)
The stars around it have to be 'stable'.
It should not have a very low mass.
It must rotate on its axis and revolve.
It should have a molten core.
It should hold an atmosphere. the right distance from the Sun, it is protected from harmful solar radiation by its magnetic field, it is kept warm by an insulating atmosphere, and it has the right chemical ingredients for life, including water and carbon.
7. h story does one character tricks another? Fox and Bear" only Camel and Pig" only C. Both stories D. Neither story ns: Put a check mark (V) if it compares, an x-mark (X) if it contrasts and draw a happy face () if it shows both processes. 11. The Philippines is a democratic country while Japan is a monarchy. 12. These loaves of bread are both fresh, but the one in the refrigerator is a day older. 13. Everyone expects life to go smoothly all the time in truth it is filled with constant ups and downs
ganyan ba Carryonlearninghope its help8. hello! need help Give 3 postulates and 3 theorems using own words, based on real life experienced. Examples: Fish can swim (Postulate) The only constant in this world is change (Theorem) Thankyou!
1. People need food to survive.
2. Communication is essential for building strong relationships.
3. Practice makes perfect.
1. The more you practice a skill, the better you become at it.
2. Good communication leads to better relationships and greater understanding.
3. If you don't eat regularly, your body will suffer from malnutrition and health problems.
Step-by-step explanation:
These postulates and theorems are based on real-life experiences and observations. People require food to survive and this is a fundamental truth. Communication is essential in all relationships, whether it be personal or professional. Practice is necessary for skill development, and the more you practice a skill, the better you become at it. These postulates lead to theorems that explain these concepts in greater detail. For example, the more you practice a skill, the better you become at it, and this can be seen in various fields such as sports, music, and art. Similarly, good communication leads to better relationships and greater understanding, and this can be seen in how effective communication improves the quality of relationships. Lastly, if you don't eat regularly, your body will suffer from malnutrition and health problems, and this is something that can be seen in the real world when people don't have access to regular meals. These postulates and theorems illustrate fundamental truths that are applicable in our daily lives, and understanding them can help us navigate the world more effectively.
9. Life feels like a massive rehearsal for every person you have to talk to, for every situation you have to attend,which just falls apart into wild swings of arrogance and timidity.Growing up didn't help with the awkwardness. There were just so many opportunities lost because I justcould not get what was before me - how I should react to it or deal with it.But growing up helped with coping. Even when an interaction is just a pile of your actions shattering into"Huh?" or "What?" or that other person's stare of bewilderment with matching eyebrows raised the best wayto deal with it is to not dwell on it too much.You are doing fine even when you are all over the place, because the mistakes you earn and the memories ofembarrassments past help in some way to try again and get it right with the right person.[...] And what growing up taught me most is that people come and go; what matters is the memories you hadwith them when they stayed You are the constant in this coming and going, so what will always matter is thatyou become a better person than yourself, and that you find mearing in all this clumsy struggling. You justhave to build value, either through becoming more well-adjusted or just becoming more skilled or justkeeping yourself going through the day.Excerpt from The Awkward Years by Ace Alba+1. in which paragraph expresses the main idea that encounter and engagement with people seems like a trialand error experience?A. paragraph 1B. paragraph 2C. paragraph 4D. paragraph 52.Which statement best summarizes the passage?A Entering adulthood is a time when people charge mistake as learning and deal with all sorts of uneasinessin one's lifeB. Growing up is the most difficult phase when it seems that things don't happen according to your planNo one stays for good except the shared memonesD. The only way to survive the awkward moment in hſe is by staying true to yourself3 How did the author develop her main idea?A cause-effectB. descriptiveC problem-solutionD persuasive4 Which of the following words best replace the meaning of the word, constant, in the last paragraph?A causeB. endpointC keyD. permanent
1. c
2. d.
3. a.
4. d.
10. What Is Education and Why Is It Important? By Ananya Mahapatra Source: Education is a learning experience where an individual learns about various aspects of life, understands the different perspectives and tries to apply it in daily life. Education is important to the children, to adults and to the society. Education gives people knowledge of the world around them and changes it into something better. It develops in people a perspective of looking at life, helps them build opinions and have points of view on things in life. Mahatma Gandhi once quoted, "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." This portrays the importance of education and leaming in one's life. If a child is joined in a school, he will start leaming, playing and enjoy with friends. While leaming he will understand what position he is in acquiring knowledge and he will leam slowly to grab the top position. While playing he will understand the logic to win it; this way they start building goals at an early stage. But parents should understand whether their children are working only for ranks and grades or acquiring some wisdom or not. It is important that they are aware of the purpose of education and how it works in real life. They start maintaining a structured life. To an individual, education increases the level of confidence as it makes a person aware about his/her surroundings. It also helps an individual to communicate better and express his/her opinions. The mind gets matured by proper education and training. A person can judge what is right and what is not. Education makes a person independent and helps him abide by the rules of the land. Education improves the standard of living of Written by: CLARIBEL C. BUENAVENTURA 3 the people. It helps people understand their needs and gives them the way to acquire them. Education provides a platform for a decent livelihood. One can take up a job in industry or another professional service if he/she is educated. Advances in medicine, war equipment, technology were possible due to constant exploration and research. People of current age carry this exploration. They could do so due to their education and knowledge about the past technology. People with higher education in science, mathematics, and technology can do this. The food production, medicine, electronic gadgets, automobiles and other luxury items were developed due to the spread of science and technology among the professionals through studies. To be a better human, an active participant in society and to gain respect from the world one should always learn new things. Leaming new things in education. SAQ-1: From the reading text, list at least two importance of education mentioned by the writer. 1. 2.
education is the most important thing to get a job
11. USING NEW WORDS Use the words in the box to complete the sentences below. You may use some words more than once. Buddhismcaste systemcitadeldharmaEightfold PathFour Noble Truths HinduismkarmaMiddle WayVedasmonk Reincarnationsubcontinent 1. In the _____ a person's place in society can be altered only through ______.2. At Mohenjo-Daro archeologists have found the remains of a large fort or ____.3. Around 1500 B.C. the Aryans began to migrate to thr Indian _______ bringing their language, called Sanskrit.4. The beginnings of the religion called _____ can be found in the ancient Aryan songs called the "Books of Knowledge", or the ______.5. The Vedas state that people move in a constant cycle of life, death, and rebirth, which is called ______.6. The Hindun religion includes hundreds of laws and duties, as outlined in the "Books of Knowledge", called the _______.7. Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of the religion called _____, left his home and became a ______.8. The Buddha believed in _____, a force, caused by a person's good and bad acts, that affects future lives.9. The Buddha's idea that suffering is central to life was expressed in the _____.10. The Buddha taught that the way to end suffering was to follow the _____. These instructions outlined the way of living, neither too strict nor too easy, called the _____.
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12. Mammals and birds are warm-blooded animals, his means that their body emperature is constant even if they are in an extremely hot or cold environment. Birds are the only animals with feathers. They have two pairs of limbs; forelimbs used Mammals have hair and produce milk. They give birth to live offspring or flying and hind limbs for piercing, walking, or prey catching. They lay eggs with shells. Fishes, amphibians, and reptiles are cold blooded animals, this means that their body temperature changes with their environment. Fishes breathes with gills. They are covered with scales and lays eggs in water. Amphibians have smooth, moist and scale less skin. They lay jelly coated eggs in water. They live on land and in water. Reptiles are terrestrial animals fully adapted to life on land. They have dry scaly skin and some have shells. They use their legs for locomotion. Directions: Identify the classification of vertebrates being describe. 1. I live in water and I have gills for breathing. My body is covered with scales and have fins that help me move. What am I? 2. I am a warm-blooded animal covered with hair. I feed my young with my milk. What am I? 3. I am the only animal with feather, I lay eggs with shells. What am I? 4. I am known to be cold blooded animal and have a dry scaly skin. I use my feet for locomotion. What am I? 5. I spend part of my life in water and part on land. I have smooth, moist and scale less skin. I breathe through my gills when I am young and lungs when I grow old. What am I?Characteristics of Invertebrates Invertebrates are animals without backbone. They can be classified into small and each of which has certain characteristics. Invertebrates include sponges (porifera),cnidarians (cnidaria), flatworms (Platyhelminthes), round worms
fishMammalsBirdReptile FrogExplanation:
13. Modified True or False. Write the word TRUE if the statement istrue. If false, write the word FALSE and change the underlinedword to make the statement correct.1. Confucianism started as a philosophy that would pro-vide a solution to China's chaotic society during the Shang dynasty.2. Confucianism was adopted by the Han dynasty as aninstrument for its political legitimacy.3. Daoism believes that nature should be allowed totake its natural course for the attainment of social order.4. Shintoism emphasized the core values of family, tra-dition, nature, ancestors, purity, and ritual practices.5. Laozi believed that what makes us human is ourfeeling of sympathy for other's suffering, but what makes us virtu-ous is our cultivation of this inner potential6, In Shinto, pollution is inevitable but can be washedaway by proper meditation,7. In Confucianism, destiny can only be achieved whenone has cultivated oneself to the highest potential that one's ac-tions go effortlessly with the way of the universe.8. The Dao is considered as the "mother of all things”and playing the feminine part is a constant theme in Daoism.9. A normative interpretation of ming sees destiny as adistant force beyond human control.10. In Confucianism, a woman's life revolves aroundobeying men---her father, her husband, and her brother
true 1-3
im sure this my answer
14. 1.What conic section is being formed when a plane is placed horizontally in one of the cones of two napped right circular cone?2. What is circle? (Explain your answer in 2 sentences only.)3. What do you call the constant distance between the center and any point on the circle?4. How to identify if the graph of an equation is a circle or a point? (Explain your answer in 2 sentences only.)5. Give five (5) real-life examples that show circle. (List five examples.)
1. Circle
2. A circle is a shape that is not composed of lines but of points placed at equal distances around and away from a center.
3. radius
4. An equation for a point would only involve single values for x and y axis which could be plotted into a graph while a circle takes into account the radius and the center resulting to a formula of ( x - g )² + ( y - k )² = r².
Wherein (g, k) is position of the center at x and y axis and r is the radius.
15. What's NewActivity 2: Hit Heart or Like!Directions: Identify whether the statement is used to compare or contrast. On the space provided, write HEART if it is used to comparison and write LIKE if it is used to contrast. _____ 1. Regular cardio exercise does wonder for your overall heart health. Likewise, it contributes to the betterment of your mental health._____ 2. Listening to your sibling and adjusting your behavior to address his/her concerns can help you both in growing up. In the same way, giving and taking favors to and from each would make your relationship even stronger._____ 3. Followers of Islam believe that there is only one God in existence. In like manner, Christianity is also a monotheistic religion._____ 4. India is an undeniably beautiful country with a rich heritage and vibrant culture. Nevertheless, the country's reputation has been tarnished over the years due to its rampant corruption problems._____ 5. People of the Christian faith strongly believe in the afterlife while Hindus and Buddhists preach the concept of reincarnation and nirvana._____ 6. Everyone excepts life to go smoothly all the time but it is filled with constant ups and downs.
no need
16. 10. In which paragraph expresses the man idea that encounter and engagementwith people seems like a trial and erriar experience?A paragraph 1B. paragraph 2C paragraph 4D. paragraph 511. Which statement best summarizes the passage?A Entering adulthood is a time when people charge miste ke is leaming and dealwith all sorts of uneasiness in one's life.B Growing up is the most difficult phase when it seems that tings don't happenaccording to your planC No one stays for good except the shared memoriesD. The only way to survive the awkward moment in life is by saying true to yourself12.How did the author develop her main idea?A. caused-effectB.descriptiveC.problem-soloutionD persuasive13.Which of the following words best replace the meaning of the word, constant in the last paragraphA.causeB.endpointC.keyD.permanent
17. 1. Identify what is being referred to or described. Choose your answer on the box Ears Eyes Skin Dandruff Corns Calluses Bilsters Dry Scalp Sunburn Olly scale bund pacha 1. These parts of the body allow a person to experience the sounds of everyday life They are the organs that detect sounds. 2. It main function is to focus on images. 3.It is a condition of the scalp that causes flakes of the skin to appear. 4. It is the largest organ of the body. 5. When your skin is exposed to the sun for a long period of time, eventually it burns, turns red, and gets irritated. 6. Yellowish, callus-like growths that develop on top of the toes in spots where shoes rub against them. 7. Areas of rough, thickened skin that develop because of constant or repeated pressure or friction 8. Small pockets of fluid that usually form in the upper layers of the skin. 9. It may affect not only the scalp but also the face and results to acne. 10. Often accompanied by dry skin in the arms and legs. the following practices and self-management skills that Chcihelp me pls
EarsEyesDandruffSkinHeat#CarryOnLearning18. DISTURBACES IN ESTUARIES Estuaries are partially enclosed coastal bodies of water where rivers meet the sea.They are homes to unique plants and animals that have adapted to brackish water-mixture fresh water draining from the land and salty seawater. Numerous marine species use the nutrient – rich and sheltered estuaries as nurserygrounds. Some fish species not only migrate between the waters of the various oceans and seas, but also require migrating between freshwaters and the marine waters. Such fishes, which spend part of their life-cycle in salt-water and a part in freshwater, are called diadromous fishes, e.g. the eel fish, the salmon, and the trout. These include the anadromousspecies which migrate from the sea to freshwater for spawning (process oflaying eggs), and the catadromous species, which spawn in the ocean or at sea, and migrate towards freshwater as juveniles. The regions in many coastal areas are highly disturbed today due to constant disturbance from the mainland in the form of pollution—pesticidal pollution, discharge from sewage system, silt, and etc. Such disturbances in the estuarine and coastal areas make migration of diadromous fishes to their spawning areas difficult, and adversely affect their populations by acting as the major blockage in the lifecycle of these species.A. Guide Questions:1. What biotic components can be found in estuaries?2. Name the role in ecosystem of the biotic components found in estuaries.3. What characteristics of the abiotic factor in estuaries make it suitable for spawning?4. What are the abiotic factor disturbances mentioned in the paragraph?5. How do the abiotic factors affect in the life cycle of fish species?
1 Fish, shellfish, and migratory birds
3 light, oxygen, water, nutrients, temperature, salinity, and space.
4 isturbances caused by non-living factors
5 factors limit the breadth of species distributions
19. III. Activities:A. Pre - TestDirections: Read the following statements. Encircle the letter of the correct answer1.Why do we have recreational /leisure activities?a. They help your communityb. They are strictly for raising moneyc. They are just for fund. They are pointless2. Which areas demand constant monitoring to maintain the highest degree of health andsanitation standards?a. Exercise rooms, equipment rooms, and locker rooms.b. Exercise rooms, equipment rooms, and latrinesc. Latrines, locker rooms, and equipment roomsd. Latrines, locker rooms, and showers3. Which of the following is TRUE about recreation and leisure activities?a. It is limited only to government-supported programsb. All programs are privately operatedc. Fishing is an example of a sports programd. Sports are one of many categories that may be included.4. The following are nature activities EXCEPT...a. "The process of giving new life to something."b. Bonding with Mother Nature.c. Any process that is non-work relatedd. Socializing with two or more people.5. It is the use of time in a creative way, and in many ways, a therapeutic refreshment ofone's body or mind.a. relaxingb. sleepingc. recreation d. donation
sana po makatulong sa iyo
20. 1. Under-representation of certain groups, which can imply that these groupare of less value, importance and significance.2. Presenting an unrealistic portrayal of this country's history andcontemporary life experience3. Assigning only traditional or rigid roles or attributes to a group, thuslimiting the abilities and potential of that group: denying studentsknowledge of the diversity and complexity of, and variations among, anygroup of individuals.4. Separating issues relating to people of color and women (orother protected groups) from the main body of text.5. Excluding the roles and importance of females by constant use of thegeneric "he" and sex-biased words. This includes issues of ethnicity,culture and language proficiency as well.6. Creating an illusion that particular texts or materials have been infusedwith equity and diversity when in fact minimal efforts to conduct researchand address diversity throughout the entire text have been made7. Presenting only one interpretation of an issue, situation, or group:distorting reality and ignoring complex and differing viewpoints throughselective presentation of materials.ChoicesStereotypingUnrealityLinguistic BiasImbalance/SelectivityFragmentation/IsolationCosmetic BiasInvisibility
[tex]\huge{\mathbb{ANSWER\: : }}[/tex]
1. Under-representation of certain groups, which can imply that these group are of less value, importance and significance.
Invisibility2. Presenting an unrealistic portrayal of this country's history and contemporary life experience.
Unreality3. Assigning only traditional or rigid roles or attributes to a group, thus limiting the abilities and potential of that group: denying students knowledge of the diversity and complexity of, and variations among, any group of individuals.
Stereotyping4. Separating issues relating to people of color and women (or other protected groups) from the main body of text.
Fragmentation/Isolation5. Excluding the roles and importance of females by constant use of the generic "he" and sex-biased words. This includes issues of ethnicity, culture and language proficiency as well.
Linguistic Bias6. Creating an illusion that particular texts or materials have been infused with equity and diversity when in fact minimal efforts to conduct research and address diversity throughout the entire text have been made
Cosmetic Bias7. Presenting only one interpretation of an issue, situation, or group: distorting reality and ignoring complex and differing viewpoints through
selective presentation of materials.
21. 2. Why does Earth considered to be the only planet that can support life?a. because it has a water cycle, an atmosphere, and volcanoes to circulate nutrients. It iscovered with green vegetation, blue-green seas, streams, rivers, mountains, and desertswhich produce a spectacular variety of color and texture.b. because it has tremendous amount of light energy that makes a planet too hot andabundant harmful rays such as ultraviolet rays.c. because it has too active circulation system, such as the constant volcanism or thechurning atmospheres that interferes with an organism's ability to get enough nutrients.d. because it has thick atmosphere made entirely of greenhouse gases.
Answer: a. because it has a water cycle, an atmosphere, and volcanoes to circulate nutrients. It is
covered with green vegetation, blue-green seas, streams, rivers, mountains, and deserts
which produce a spectacular variety of color and texture.
Explanation: hope it helps
because it has a water cycle an atmost here
22. Read the paragraph and pick all the adverbs that you can see and put them where they belong TIME, PLACE, MANNER. Bowed by the weight of this global pandemic, our human character and resilience are again tested. Whether rich or poor, weak or strong, famous or not, no one is exempted by this COVID-19 virus. Since time immemorial, many have been crying loudly and eagerly for equality. Suddenly, this cry was answered differently, Yes, COVID-19 came not just to cause havoc on humanity and economy, but also on a lighter note, it came as a great global equalizer. This global pandemic opens doors towards various realizations and several universal truths as points of reflection. Indeed, everything in life is but just temporary. Our life, our wealth and all possessions we have, including our own skills and knowledge, they become limited, at times become meaningless and uncertain. Even the most powerful people and countries suddenly become powerless. Everything is unpredictable. We have no control of our time here on earth, for in this current situation, we all have nothing to behold. Our friends may come and go and our social connections and interactions gradually cease. Dreams, aspirations and all things we hold dearly, with a wink of an eye they slowly disappear like bubbles. Everything in this world swiftly becomes volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. Indeed, we live in a VUCA world where all of us need to swim by. Nothing is certain and the only constant now is change. And the very question is, 'Who do we run to? Can we fully and truly rely on the government, family and friends for help? As we battle this global pandemic, all we need is a positive mindset. More than ever, it is a time indeed of awakening, rekindling, and strengthening our FAITH. Faith to a supreme being, our God Almighty is primarily the source of our hope that keeps us going and enables us to conquer our fears and anxieties amid the gaps and huge changes in this "new normal". We all are caught ofl-guard, but with our faith, we continue to fight, to be proactive and to be positive at all times. We learn how to look at the brighter side of life and choose to be optimistic amid the negativity around. Hence, our faith spells the big difference in facing all forms of life's challenges. Therefore, let us hold onto our faith strongly and dearly for as long as we believe we will never tremble nor fear the unseen. Remember, God is greatest and strongest above all forms of viruses such as this COVID-19.
TIME, PLACE, MANNER. Bowed by the weight of this global pandemic, our human character and resilience are again tested. Whether rich or poor, weak or strong, famous or not, no one is exempted by this COVID-19 virus.Yes, COVID-19 came not just to cause havoc on humanity and economy, but also on a lighter note, it came as a great global equalizer. This global pandemic opens doors towards various realizations and several universal truths as points of reflection. Indeed, everything in life is but just temporary. Our life, our wealth and all possessions we have, including our own skills and knowledge, they become limited, at times become meaningless and uncertain. Even the most powerful people and countriesExplanation:
hope it's help
mark as brainles
23. change is inevitable,it is the only constant thing in life. Reflect, the current educational setup is one concrete evidence of change. Give at least two negative ang three positive effects on you of this current change.
Meanwhile as she randomly reads the messages, one of her bright students in class, Pio,
the guitarist
, started to play his instrument while the rest of his classmates started to sing a
song. Not just a song but it was their teacher's favorite9 song entitled "A Smile in Your
Heart". It is a song sung by his favorite singer of all time. Absolutely, having those ideas and
plans tickled the bones of their adviser for it all worked out.
As they finished the song, Miss Mendez blew her cake, made a wish, and thanked
24. This type of research is generally considered "non-commercial research because it does not focus on solving practical problems, and has no immediate benefit or ways it can be applied 2. Characteristic of research that is based on recognized scientific methods derived from real- life observations and experiments 3. Characteristic of research that follows sequential procedures based on valid principles 4. It is a systematic investigation (1.e., the gathering and analysis of information, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge 5. Type of research that focuses on solving real-life problems by deriving knowledge which has an immediate application 6. Research method that enables non-numerical data collection through open-ended methods such as interviews, case studies and focus groups 7. Research method collects and analyses numerical data through statistical analysis. 8. It is the blueprint of the research you are going to undertake. It serves as the work plan of the whole study not only because it entails the resources needed in conducting the research but also the ways these resources are utilized. 9. It is a statement where you will present the solution to the proposed problem based on the findings of the investigation. They are tied up to the questions investigated. 10. Characteristic of research wherein vigorous measures put into place to keep all variables constant, except those under investigation.
1. Basic research
4. Research is a systematic investigation designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge
5. Applied research investigates well-known theories and principles in order to enhance knowledge around a practical aim. Because of this, applied research focuses on solving real-life problems by deriving knowledge which has an immediate application.
6. Qualitative research is an inquiry into the way people interpret a certain social condition around them. It usually involves interviews or conversations, which produce non-numerical data.
7. Quantitative research methods emphasize objective measurements and the statistical, mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through polls, questionnaires, and surveys, or by manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques.
25. Exercise 5. Read the excerpt and do the activities that follow. I am Juan Picas, born half of myself. I had only one eye, one ear, one arm, one leg, one half of a body. My mother wept when she saw me, but loved me as I grew up and never regarded me as abnormal. My father, too, must have wept although he never spoke of this. He also took me as I was and loved me as much as he knew how. I grew in their care; I thrived in their love. As far as I knew I was entire, I thought myself whole. Like all babies, I learned first to smile, and then to coo, to babble, and to know my mother and father, too. I learned to crawl, and sit up and, in time, to doodle. I learned to speak but even before that, I learned to laugh. My mother taught me how to laugh, perhaps even before I learned to cry. She showered me with good cheer, constant delight. She taught me how to sing. My father taught me how to see. The birds of the sky, the trees, the flowers that grew, the rains that fell and the winds that roared in the night – these my father spoke of and made me see how perfect they fitted into our world and made it as lovely as can be. My father also spoke of people, saying that they are on this earth and living this life as a test. All that matters is a life spent doing good. A man should apply his days in work and by his hands hone his heart in service to God and his fellowmen. Less than his intent and in labor done, a man’s days are but in vain. My father said this, and I realized how he directed his days and wished my life to be. My father often spoke of God as did my mother. The father in Heaven who made us and whose love will keep us alive. God orders our days from our birth, through our youth and manhood, through age and through death and after life. He has the whole world in His hands, rules the beatings of our hearts, knows the number of our hair, and loves us in everything whether good or ill befalls us. All of life’s road lead to him; and answers to life’s questions lie in Him. The meaning of life is with Him. My father and mother taught me this and I learned it. So I grew, a happy child swathed in kindness. My parents sheltered me and kept me away from prying eyes. I did not know harshness, cruelty, even less, until as a frisky boy I set to explore the world on my own. When ridicule sprang, I was bewildered, and asked my parents why other children laughed and poked fun at me. Use the graphic organizer to find out the meaning of the words found in the selection. [doodle] -anthonym -synony -sentence -aflix [if appplicable] -part of -definition [swathe] -anthonym -synony -sentence -aflix [if appplicable] -part of -definition [frisky] -anthonym -synony -sentence -aflix [if appplicable] -part of -definition [ridicule] -anthonym -synony -sentence -aflix [if appplicable] -part of -definition [bewildered] -anthonym -synony -sentence -aflix [if appplicable] -part of -definition plss plssss help me need ko na po
26. 5. Just as a caterpillar comes out of its cocoon, so we must also come out of ourcomfort zone.A. Be careful who you let inside your life.B. You glow differently when you are happy.C. Fly high and move toward your fears in life.D. Change is the only constant thing in this world
d.change is the only constant thing in this world
hope it helps
27. 10. In which paragraph expresses the main idea that encounter and engagement with people seems like a trial-and-error experience? A. paragraph 1 B. paragraph 2 C. paragraph 4 D. paragraph 5 11. Which statement best summarizes the passage? A. Entering adulthood is a time when people charge mistake as learning and deal with all sorts of uneasiness in one's life. B. Growing up is the most difficult phase when it seems that things don't happen according to your plan. C. No one stays for good except the shared memories. D. The only way to survive the awkward moment in life is by staying true to yourself. 12. How did the author develop her main idea? A. cause-effect B. descriptiveC. problem-solution D. persuasive 13. Which of the following words best replace the meaning of the word, constant, in the last paragraph? A. cause B. endpoint C. key D. permanent
10. C
11. A
12. C or D
13. B
hope it's helps
28. 10. In which paragraph expresses the main idea that encounter and engagementwith people seems like a trial and error experience?A paragraph 1B. paragraph 2C. paragraph 4D. paragraph 511. Which statement best summarizes the passage?A. Entering adulthood is a time when people charge mistake as learning and dealwith all sorts of uneasiness in one's life.B. Growing up is the most difficult phase when it seems that things don't happenaccording to your plan.C. No one stays for good except the shared memories.D. The only way to survive the awkward moment in life is by staying true to yourself.12. How did the author develop her main idea?A cause-effectB. descriptiveC. problem-solutionD. persuasive13. Which of the following words best replace the meaning of the word, constant,in the last paragraph?A causeB. endpointC. keyD. Permanent
.HFJJRRJDJDJhope it helps goodluck!!
29. 1. What are the five (5) global trends that affect the global workforce? How canknowing them help you as a Grade 12 student?- Technology. Outsourcing. Changing Workers’ Attitude and Values,Demographics and Diversity, and Globalization. It can help me as a Grade 12student because it gave me an insight on what are some ideas that really exist in theworkplaces.2. How will lifelong learning help you in succeeding in life and career?- It helps you a lot by simply helping yourself. Lifelong learning is all on one’sself. So, to say that survival is in each one of us and in our owns, so by you andyourself can do the things that could help thy self in everything in this world. Beingable to change and reflective, and aware of everything and so on, you could helpyourself through lifelong learning.3. Do you agree with Heraclitus when he said, “the only thing that is constant ischange”? Explain.- Yes, I agree. Everyone needs change, even if they feel like they don’t.Whatever aspect of life it is, still there’s still a need of change. Change cannot begone, unless you’re perfect in everything. There is still a lot of rooms fordevelopment and improvement in one’s self and other beings, so by that change isconstant.4. How will you implement the seven C’s of lifelong skills in your life and career?- Having this seven C’s in our lives and careers means a lot for us. Thinking ofall the things in life, especially some problems or choices must need the CriticalThinking and Doing lifelong skill in all times, plus Creativity when we applysomething from imagination to reality to either help us or just present your ideas tothe world. And of course you really need to have Collaboration up and running. Youcannot do all things alone and by yourself, you really need to have someone to haveby your side. And as life goes on, you think that you knew everything but no. Youmust have an open mind for everything that’s all about the world and yoursurroundings. You need to have some Cross-Cultural Understanding in your mindand in your heart. And going back in the Collaboration lifelong skill, you need to notbe alone by having Communication in everything and, as long as possible, everyoneso you won’t be as the world progresses, you need to have your body adapt to the digital world andhave the Computing lifelong skill, because it’s inevitable that the digital age shall runin the world for a long time. And last, you need to have the ability to grow in yourselfright? So implement the Career and Learning Self-Reliance lifelong skill to manageyourself and your life and career in the future.
1. Technology. Outsourcing. Changing Workers’ Attitude and Values,Demographics and Diversity, and Globalization. It can help me as a Grade 12 student because it gave me an insight on what are some ideas that really exist in the workplaces.
2. It helps you a lot by simply helping yourself. Lifelong learning is all on one’s self. So, to say that survival is in each one of us and in our owns, so by you and yourself can do the things that could help thy self in everything in this world. Being able to change and reflective, and aware of everything and so on, you could help yourself through lifelong learning.
3. Yes, I agree. Everyone needs change, even if they feel like they don’t.Whatever aspect of life it is, still there’s still a need of change. Change cannot begone, unless you’re perfect in everything. There is still a lot of rooms for development and improvement in one’s self and other beings, so by that change is constant.
4. Having this seven C’s in our lives and careers means a lot for us. Thinking of all the things in life, especially some problems or choices must need the Critical Thinking and Doing lifelong skill in all times, plus Creativity when we apply something from imagination to reality to either help us or just present your ideas to the world. And of course you really need to have Collaboration up and running. You cannot do all things alone and by yourself, you really need to have someone to have by your side. And as life goes on, you think that you knew everything but no. You must have an open mind for everything that’s all about the world and your surroundings. You need to have some Cross-Cultural Understanding in your mind and in your heart. And going back in the Collaboration lifelong skill, you need to not be alone by having Communication in everything and, as long as possible, everyone so you won’t be as the world progresses, you need to have your body adapt to the digital world and have the Computing lifelong skill, because it’s inevitable that the digital age shall run in the world for a long time. And last, you need to have the ability to grow in yourself right? So implement the Career and Learning Self-Reliance lifelong skill to manage yourself and your life and career in the future.
30. 1.which of the following is a committed person?A. strives for excellenceB. not satisfied with "pwede na"C. offers quality productsD. all of the above2. if a person makes survey on available materials in the environment, he/she is______A. opportunity seekerB. persistentC. healthyD. risk baker3. A risk taker is someone who_______A. looks at failure as a challengeB. believes that in business, winning comes after trialsC. A onlyD. Both A and B4. Maria believes that "if there is no struggle, there is no progress. what character does Maria shows?A. opportunity seekerB. persistentC. creativeD. confident5. in business, goals must be_____A. clearB. specificC. realisticD. all of the above6. the following are leadership characteristic of successful entrepreneur EXCEPT ONEA. skitfulB. optimisticC. courageousD. pessimistic7. one who commits to excellence and constant improvement?A. creativeB. systematicC. innovationD. persevering8. an optimistic person is someone who______A. looks at the brighter side of lifeB. always smileC. helps steer business to succeedD. all of the above9. stretching the limit of imagination means being______A. systematicB. creativeC. confidentD. open-mindedgudevening pahelp po plssthank you
1 A2. A3. D4. D.5. D.6. D.7. D.8. A.9 B.