How do you share your culture?
1. How do you share your culture?
Volunteer to teach a language class or share your culture at a school.
2. 2. How do you think is culture shared and constested?
Practice 3Rs in home. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Plastics for example, do not throw it anywhere because it cannot be easily degraded when it is in the soil already. It can cause soil pollution. Reuse it as much a possible. Do not burn them also because it contains any chemicals that can cause air pollution and in that case causing more the depletion of our ozone layer. And when ozone layer is more depleted, it causes us skin cancer and any health problems. Practice proper using of water. Do not waste it like it is renewable. It can be renewable, yes, whenever it is properly used. But there may come a time when it becomes scarce. Practice proper use of energy. Do not leave your cellphone charger for example not connected to your phone. It may cause fire, and if fire happens, energy releases also CO2 which is the secondary pollutant that caused ozone depletion when mixed into the atmosphere. Do not turn on your lights when not needed. It may cause also light pollution and to us humans can cause cancer when there is too much exposure to it. Breast cancer, prostate cancer and obesity. It will alter our circadian rhythm (body clock). Sometimes our body turns nights into days. Do not directly open your cellphone when you are awake during midnight (our usual practice actually), because its light will affect our eyes and that may lead to blindness. Just be cautious anytime. Self discipline is a must.
3. how people share their cultural history in the context of the movie coco
There is a staunch focus on trusting in your family while trying to find yourself as an individual. The film also tackles the hard topic of life and death and portrays it in a way of hope and respect for the dead, valuing the traditions and memories they have passed down to those still alive.
4. How can you share the Philippine culture and cuisine to other countries?
One way is to spread it by social media,Introduce it to others like to the people who visits here.
5. how does it feel to know you are part of a cultural group that shares many ideas and beliefs?
I think it's good to have a cultural group because it can be share the knowledge of traditional and any cultural beliefs.
6. How people are connected and have shared value's despite of cultural diversities
7. How do you share our culture, customs, beliefs, and traditions to others. Explain
storytelling, music, song, dance, or art.
Your cultural traditions can be shared through storytelling, music, song, dance, or art. You can also help bridge the gap by sharing aspects of your social influences. As you meet new people in the USand start to form connections and friendships, you may take part in their celebrations or significant life events.
8. By the tradition and culture of the Filipino people, how can you share your talent to honour God?
If God has blessed you with this talent, you may be called to motivate others in the completion of goals that will ultimately serve Christ. By taking on a leadership position in an organization, planting a church or becoming a pastor, you can use your gift to honor Christ.
We should embrace our culture first. In order for us to show our tradition and beliefs in other country we must love it first. As a young Filipino students I would promote our culture in South East Asia and Middle East by the use of social media and other social networking sites. When I would be given a chance to travel, I would be please to tell people how beautiful our culture is and how we Filipinos are rich in beliefs. We should show them the beauty despite of other negativities be experience in our dear country and be proud.Don't rely on foreign products too much because if we do then they will too and forget our products because they think if we don't use it then its useless because we don't even use it.
[tex] - bascocarla2010 [/tex]
9. how does shared identity helps students to the different cultures
I Learn about the concept of culture while empowering students to learn about themselves and others with this curated collection of resources...
hope It's Help-
10. As a student and as part of your community, how would you help your community in sharing your cultural heritage?
Being part of an international student exchange program can bring a global perspective to your community. By helping coordinate, you can enrich the lives your neighbors and the students by opening their eyes to different culture.
11. Observe how you celebrate your barangay fiesta and prove that characteristics of culture has been observed. Culture is shared. Culture is learned.Culture is social. Culture varies from one to another. Culture is transmitted. Culture is gratifying.
what Is various ways of philosophy
12. How can you fulfill your responsibility in learning and sharing your own culture?
Actually I can fullfilled my responsibilities by learning and sharing because Learning is the First Ingredients Before You can do Any steps in Your works and Second by sharing my own culture because By that Many people would be encouraged to development of Own Culture due to the patronage of people you have shared knowledge about your own culture.
13. could these four cultures share those similarities considering their distance from each other?
Cultural distance refers to differences in language (e.g., are the two languages members of the same language family or belong to very different families), differences in social structure (e.g., monogamy vs. polygyny), differences in religion, politics, economic conditions, level of literacy, and the like.
14. “How can you fulfill your responsibility in learning and sharing your own culture?”
Actually I can fullfilled my responsibilities by learning and sharing because Learning is the First Ingredients Before You can do Any steps in Your works and Second by sharing my own culture because By that Many people would be encouraged to development of Own Culture due to the patronage of people you have shared knowledge about your own culture.
15. 2. How could these four cultures share those similarities considering theirdistance from each other?
Culture and society are intricately related. A culture consists of the “objects” of a society, whereas a society consists of the people who share a common culture. When the terms culture and society first acquired their current meanings, most people in the world worked and lived in small groups in the same locale.
16. how could these four cultures share those similarities considering thier distance from each other?
Culture and society are intricately related. A culture consists of the “objects” of a society, whereas a society consists of the people who share a common culture. When the terms culture and society first acquired their current meanings, most people in the world worked and lived in small groups in the same locale
17. can you share your thoughts about the word "Culture" and how does it affect you as a person?
Personality traits: Culture influences whether and how you value traits like humility, self-esteem, politeness, and assertiveness. Culture also influences how you perceive hardship and how you feel about relying on others.
18. How can culture be learned, shared and communicated in your own home in this time of pandemic?
I do believe that this time of pandemic it can be learned through the online like Facebook, Google,.. in one word through computer and any kind of electronic devices...
because as far as I've this generation and this time of pandemic we are all using electronic device in communicating each one...
19. how cloud these four culture share those similarities considering their distance from each other
A cross-cultural valid analytic definition of retirement remains elusive in gerontology despite a long tradition of research on the topic. Inadequate attention has been paid to consistently defining the key concepts used to examine retirement and to specifying its occurrence in non-Western, non-industrial societies. This paper critically reviews basic cultural tenets in the notion of retirement, and proposes a more comparatively valid definition. It then proposes a three part comparative categorization by exploring retirement in contemporary Western nations and comparing it with retirement-like practices from a range of non-Western cultures including Thai, Chinese, Ladak, Fulani, Lusi and Ayma
20. culture identify he's a biggest impact on are society.The different arts and craft help people to share their talents and show how creative they are. How will you show your appreciate in one's cultural identity??
Just by showing appreciation. A person who worked hard on their creative works are very talented people. They feel a sense of relief and joy if a person would give big appreciation and attention to there works
hopes this helps:)
I can show it by commending and interpreting their work of art. I will respect their different beliefs, norms and personalities. I will not force them to do/like my doings but i won’t forget to share mine for them to be knowledgeable about my culture.21. How will you share the importance of artworks of one’s culture and society?
it is important because the artwork is the culture of society and share
22. How is the faith being shared with people in the midst of cultural and religious differences?
The study of world Christianity begins with the basic premise that Christianity is, and from its very inception has been, a cross cultural and diverse religion with no single dominant expression. Throughout history, all Christians have lived in specific cultural contexts, which they have, to varying degrees, embraced and rejected. Regardless of a positive or negative attitude toward their surrounding culture, all Christians must respond to their surrounding context. It is in Christians of many and various responses that Christianity gains its unique multi-cultural and polyvocal texture as a world religion.
23. how could tthese four cultures share those similarities considering their distance from each other?
The members of the society share common attributes like values, traditions and customs. They also share similar cultures and religion. Each and every member is important to the society, as its existence depends on the members only.
sana makatulong
24. 2. How could these four cultures share those similarities considering their distance from each other
Because it is history, and history will never break even it is so far or anything. Because it is family.
sana nakatulong
25. how could these four cultures share those similarities considering thier distance from each other
nasa Module sagot niyan.
dun lang yun po.
Culture and society are intricately related. A culture consists of the "objects" of a Society consists of the people who share a common culture.When the terms culture and society first acquired there currents meanings,most people in the world work and lived in the small group in the same locale
hope its helps
26. How can you share our world class culture to the different nations?
1.Volunteer to teach a language class or share your culture at a school (elementary/middle or high school) or university. You can call a principal or head of a language department at any school to see if you can share some facets of your language or culture. Often, there are international awareness days that you could present at, after school language classes, or other avenues to share historical/political/social aspects of your country.
2.Give a presentation at the library about your country or travels. Contact the head librarian about possibilities to set an evening or Saturday presentation. Discuss various audiences and tailor your presentation to that group. Maybe it is a senior citizen travel group or a children’s bilingual book circle, etc.
3.Teach a skill from your culture (craft, cooking, game, etc.). Are there places in your community to share a craft like an art fair or a game day at a park or recreational center? Can you offer a cooking class in a foods class at the high school or college level, or maybe in the evening through a local store or restaurant? Can you share a popular game or sport during recess at a school or at the end of the year for an all school game day or maybe help out at an established camp or program that centers around your particular skill (soccer, Taekwondo, embroidery, etc.)?
4.Help out at an International Food DayMany churches, senior citizen centers and schools have a food day focusing on one or many different cultures. Is your help needed in preparing a food, translating a recipe, or serving?
5.Translate at a health clinic, hospital, court case, school, if needed. Does your community have people with limited language skills so you can help translate when they may need a certain service? Perhaps you could be called in cases of emergencies for medical reasons. There may be people who speak a language other than English and your services might be appreciated at a court of law in translating for the victim of any number of offenses. There are many opportunities to help translate at schools: open houses, parent/teacher conferences, explaining handbooks/assignments, etc.
6.Organize a play group. Do you have young children or do you have a background in education/teaching or working with children? Do you have an interest in children? You could offer some type of organized play group somewhere in the city (a park, youth center, etc.)
7.Display culture at a museum or library. Often times, there are different museums or libraries that have ongoing displays about a particular subject or collection. Do you have something to share or to add?
8.Organize discussion groups or conversation groups for older students or adults. There may be others in the community who want to discuss foreign politics or practice conversing in your language. Can you find such a group or start a group by contacting history/political science teachers at the high school/college level or by calling the library or literacy centers?
9.Help to coordinate a foreign exchange club or diversity club. Many cities and schools offer clubs to build awareness of cultures, etc. Can you help the adviser in any way? Maybe you could speak to the group or help out with their fundraising or cultural presentations, etc.
10.Share folktales and books about your country of native authors. Is there an all-city reading program or a week at the library that features folktales or certain authors? Are reading teachers at literacy centers or schools looking for content- rich international literature? Can you offer your background/experience/advice in this area?
27. two examples of cultural relativism and on each example, share your insights on how people practice their verbal and non-verbal cultural language differences.
Hope it helps heart and mark
28. Has some one shared thier culture to you and you started Questioning it? how did it happen
because your interested to their culture that why you keep on asking
29. How can you create a culture of sharing in your own neighborhood?
Your cultural traditions can be shared through storytelling, music, song, dance, or art. You can also help bridge the gap by sharing aspects of your social influences. As you meet new people in the USand start to form connections and friendships, you may take part in their celebrations or significant life events.
30. How does “Pantayong Pananaw” promote the complete understanding of shared Filipino identity and culture?
The pantayong pananaw (also called Bagong Kasaysayan, or New History) is currently the most theoretically elaborate articulation of an indigenized social science perspective that offers a viable alternative to (Western) positivist social science.