Fringes In Tagalog

Fringes In Tagalog

what are fringing reefs.​

Daftar Isi

1. what are fringing reefs.​


a coral reef that lies close to the shore


Fringing reefs grow near the coastline around islands and continents.They tend to be relatively narrow reefs where the submarine slope is steep and broader where it is gentle, and they usually consist of a thin but seaward thickening veneer of reefal carbonate deposited over a rocky substrate.

Tagalog translation:

Ang mga fringing reef ay lumalaki malapit sa baybayin sa paligid ng mga isla at kontinente.

May posibilidad silang maging makitid na mga reef kung saan ang dalisdis ng submarine ay matarik at mas malawak kung saan ito ay banayad, at kadalasan ay binubuo sila ng isang manipis ngunit talampas na pampalapot na patpat ng reefal carbonate na idineposito sa isang mabatong substrate.

2. what is the meaning of fring?​


The border or outer edges of an area or group. A decorative border of hanging threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or material.


fring? or fringe?


An exclamation following an insult. As in, That's what your mom said. FRING! The process of frying an onion ring. A children's public access show that makes learning "fun."

3. Explain the fringe benefits​


Fringe benefits are additions to compensation that companies give their employees. ... Some benefits are awarded to compensate employees for costs related to their work while others are geared to general job satisfaction.

4. if you are a legislator, would you tax the fringe benefits?​

Answer: Fringe benefits are additions to compensation that companies give their employees. Some fringe benefits are given universally to all employees of a company while others may be offered only to those at executive levels. Some benefits are awarded to compensate employees for costs related to their work while others are geared to general job satisfaction.

In any case, employers use fringe benefits to help them recruit, motivate, and keep high-quality people.


5. The value of a fringe benefit is p100, 000. the monetary value is p50, 000. if the managerial employee is a resident alien, how much is the fringe benefit tax on the foregoing amount?



it is equal of 150 ,in my own opinion

6. arfedt square fringO4. 25W + 20w + 4​


sorry im a begginer

Step-by-step explanation:

um im not good at math

7. what do the bright and dark fringes indicate​


g00gl3 po yan



8. A is the set of distinct letters in the word REDEEMER.fring​




9. why did the tax authority proposed fringe benefit tax?​


blg tax that completeauthority


yan po answer whhwh


Hope it Helps you keep in studying and be safe

10. why do employers give fringe benefits in addition to it's employees basic compensation​


To attract and keep their best employees, companies provide a “package” that includes compensation (money), incentives (special perks or rewards for good work), and benefits (valuable options such as health insurance and paid vacation).

11. types of coral Reefs fringing reefspatulong po ​


Scientists generally divide coral reefs into four classes: fringing reefs, barrier reefs, atolls, and patch reefs. Fringing reefs grow near the coastline around islands and continents. They are separated from the shore by narrow, shallow lagoons. Fringing reefs are the most common type of reef that we see.


Yan po sana makatulong ang images

12. Statement 1: the grossing-up of fringe benefits was adopted in order to align the tax treatment of fringe benefits with salaries and wages statement 2: the grossed-up monetary value of the fringe benefit includes the net amount of money received or the net monetary value of any property received and the amount of fringe benefit tax


True, it have a great point as well the Statement was briefly explained.


Although, it would've been better if there's a given facts as well evidence to support and strengthen your Statement for Instance, you may show some data or reports that would act as your counter evidence

13. what are the fringe benefits not subject to witholding tax and income tax?​

The cost of life or health insurance borne by the employer if made under the SSS or GSIS or similar contributions arising from the provisions of any other existing law is not taxable.





the term employee stock opinion (ESO) refers to a tipe of equity compersation granted by companies to their employees and excutives.

15. Spanish word macramé is derived from the Arabic migramah believed to mean? A. striped towel B. ―striped towel and embroidered veil’ C. ―embroidered veil or ornamental fringe‖ D. ―striped towel‖, ―ornamental fringe‖ or ―embroidered veil.‖​


striped towel (A)



D. Striped towel, ornamental fringe, or embroidered veil


The Spanish word "macramé" is derived from the Arabic word "migramah" believed to mean "striped towel", "ornamental fringe", or "embroidered veil".


16. discuss at least three objective of fringe benefits​


To create and improve sound industrial relations

To motivate the employees .To protect health of the employee and safety to the employees against threats such as accident and occupational disease. To promote employee welfare.


hope I can help you

17. why do you think companies give Fringe benefits to employees?​

One of the main reasons you should consider fringe benefits as an employer is the fact that it can help improve your employee's experience at work. Fringe benefits have been proven to alleviate some of the most common causes of stress among employees, such as health care and financial security.

18. Describe the differences between fringing reefs, barrier reefs, atolls and patch reefs.


Atolls usually form when islands surrounded by fringing reefs sink into the sea or the sea level rises around them (these islands are often the tops of underwater volcanoes). ... Patch reefs are small, isolated reefs that grow up from the open bottom of the island platform or continental shelf.

I dunno wat es da anser

no cal responde


19. which of the following as fringe of tissue around the fallopian tube​


The fimbriae (singular fimbria) is a fringe of tissue around the ostium of the Fallopian tube, in the direction of the ovary. ... An oocyte is released from the ovary into the peritoneal cavity and the cilia of the fimbriae sweep the ovum into the Fallopian tube.


Pa Brainliest po ty


(singular fimbria)


20. What factors have contributed to the growth of fringe benefits?​

Answer: 'Fringe benefits' are defined as any goods, services, or other benefits furnished or granted in cash or in kind by an employer to an individual employee, except rank and file employees, such as, but not limited to, the following: Housing. Expense account. Vehicles of any kind.

21. Fringing reefs- brief description Pls answer.


Fringing reefs” are reefs that grow very close to the shore on mainland or high island (continental shelf or volcanic mid-ocean island) coasts. They are generally shore-attached, although back-reef areas can be shallowly submerged.

22. what are fringe benefits given by the employer to the employees​

'Fringe benefits' are defined as any goods, services, or other benefits furnished or granted in cash or in kind by an employer to an individual employee, except rank and file employees, such as, but not limited to, the following: Housing. Expense account. Vehicles of any kind.

23. The fringe width in a double slit experiment can be increased if:


By equation 4, it is clear that if we decrease the separation of the slits, the fringe width will increase

24. why should fringe benefits be subject to tax?​


Fringe benefits are perks and additions to normal compensation that companies give their employees, such as life insurance, tuition assistance, or employee discounts. If a fringe benefit is transferred as cash, such as a bonus or reimbursement for travel or other expenses, they are likely to be subject to income tax.


pa brainliest po :D

at Sana maka help

25. has a fringe like structure that collects eggs from the ovary​




Also known as fimbriae tubae, are small, fingerlike projections at the end of the fallopian tubes, through which eggs move from the ovaries to the uterus. The fimbriae are connected to the ovary.

26. brief description for fringing reefs barrier reefs atolls mangrove swamps

A fringing reef is one of the three main types of coral reef. It is distinguished from the other main types, barrier reefs and atolls, in that it The destruction

27. discuss the importance of fringe benefits tax​


Fringe benefits attract the employees as the employer and help share their expenses in employee retention. ... The benefits extended to the employees are nor entirely tax-free for the company. Some benefits are still taxable to the company, and some listed in 401(k) are subject to deferred tax.


For employers, fringe benefits translate into happier and more productive employees, and a better reputation among employees who may be considering working for the firm. For employees, fringe benefits can translate into substantial cost savings, more cash for retirement, and even healthier diets and lifestyles.



28. 1. It comes from the Arabic word migramah or "fringe".​


I don't have any idea


peace yoww

29. is fringe benefits and incentives the same​


Fringe benefits are non monetary incentive to motivate employees apart from normal salary. Good fringe benefits attract fresh talent people to the organization. The fringe benefits are more popular among the business right now. Compare to monetary terms most of the fringe benefits are inexpensive.


I hope it help:)

brainliest po

30. 13. What skirting design is shown in this picture? A. Swag B. Fringe C. Shirred D.) Box Pleats 14. What skirting design is shown in this picture? A. Swag B. Fringe C. Shirred D. Box Pleats 15. What skirting design is shown in this picture on the right? A. Swag B. Fringe C. Shirred D. Box Pleats​








13.) D.

14.) A.

15.) C.


tama po yan pa brainliest po thank you

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