The Day Of Destiny

The Day Of Destiny

summarize of the day of destiny​

1. summarize of the day of destiny​


Mordred makes himself King of England and takes Guinevere as his wife. He then forces a battle with Sir Gawain, who is mortally wounded in the battle. Arthur meets Mordred again at the battle of Bareon Down, and the two men prepare for what will be their last battle.

Arthur has a dream telling him that if he fights Mordred that day, he will die, but if he can stall the battle another month, Lancelot will be able to come and help him. When Arthur tries to draw a truce with Mordred and his army, a snake comes by and one of Mordred's men draws his sword to kill it. This action sets the two armies to war.

By the end of the battle, Mordred is the only man standing from his army, and Arthur has himself, Sir Lucan, and Sir Bedivere. Against Lucan's advice, Arthur fights Mordred and kills him, but Arthur sustains his own death wound in the process.

Arthur is dying and can't be moved safely, so he asks Sir Bedivere to throw Excalibur into the lake. At first, Bedivere merely hides the sword, because he believes it to be too precious to throw away, but he eventually obeys Arthur's orders and throws the sword into the water. Arthur asks Bedivere what he saw when he did so, and Bedivere reports that a hand caught the sword and brandished it three times.

Arthur then commands Bedivere to take him to the water, where a barge is waiting. Arthur is borne on the barge to Avalon. Bedivere then takes to wandering the woods and eventually stumbles upon a hermit mourning at a grave. It is unclear to both Bedivere and the reader whether or not the grave is that of King Arthur, and whether or not Arthur still lives.




The saddest thing about is that it never comes from your enemies. It comes from your friends and your loved ones. The Day of Destiny ; written by Sir Thomas Malory, a historical and legendary story of King Arthur. Malory did not invent the stories in this collection while he was imprisoned in the early 1450's and completed in 1470's. He translated and compiled Arthurian stories that already existed in 13th century French prose (the so called Old French Vulgate romances) together with at least one from Middle English sources (the Alliterative Morte Arhture and the Stanzaic Morte Arthur) to create the whole chapter of Le Morte d'Arthur

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3. a day of destiny tauhan

Answer:King Arthur, sir Gawain, modred, Guinevere, Lucas, hermit,



•King Arthur- son of Uther and Igraine

•Queen Guenever- Arthur's wife and also Launcelot's lover

•Sir Launcelot- generally considered to be the greatest of Athur's knights, he is rivaled only by Tristram for his courage, loyalty, and military prowess

•Merlin- the sorcerer who pronounces the prophecy of Arthur

•Morgan Le Fay- a sorceress and Arthur's half-sister

•Tristram- not initially one of the knights of the round table, he eventually takes his place at Arthur's court

•Sir Mordred- Arthur's illegitimate child

4. setting of the day of destiny

The Day of Destiny Setting: England, United Kingdom (Europe)

5. setting of "the day of destiny"

Mordred makes himself King of England and incestuously claims Guinevere as his wife. Guinevere escapes to the Tower of London. The Bishop of Canterbury reproaches Mordred for his usurpation and would-be incest, and when Mordred tries to kill him, he flees and becomes a hermit. Mordred wins many Englishmen to his side, then meets Arthur at Dover but is forced to retreat from him.

6. Interpretation of the day of destiny

Mordred makes himself King of England and takes Guinevere as his wife. He then forces a battle with Sir Gawain, who is mortally wounded in the battle. Arthur meets Mordred again at the battle of Bareon Down, and the two men prepare for what will be their last battle.
Arthur has a dream telling him that if he fights Mordred that day, he will die, but if he can stall the battle another month, Lancelot will be able to come and help him. When Arthur tries to draw a truce with Mordred and his army, a snake comes by and one of Mordred's men draws his sword to kill it. This action sets the two armies to war.
By the end of the battle, Mordred is the only man standing from his army, and Arthur has himself, Sir Lucan, and Sir Bedivere. Against Lucan's advice, Arthur fights Mordred and kills him, but Arthur sustains his own death wound in the process.
Arthur is dying and can't be moved safely, so he asks Sir Bedivere to throw Excalibur into the lake. At first, Bedivere merely hides the sword, because he believes it to be too precious to throw away, but he eventually obeys Arthur's orders and throws the sword into the water. Arthur asks Bedivere what he saw when he did so, and Bedivere reports that a hand caught the sword and brandished it three times.
Arthur then commands Bedivere to take him to the water, where a barge is waiting. Arthur is borne on the barge to Avalon. Bedivere then takes to wandering the woods and eventually stumbles upon a hermit mourning at a grave. It is unclear to both Bedivere and the reader whether or not the grave is that of King Arthur, and whether or not Arthur still lives.

7. setting in the day of destiny




8. When is the day of destiny?

all of us don't even know when but we just have to do everything what we love, and have fate to our destiny..maybe it will come today,tonight or tomorrow..or the time that we've never expect that something is happening to us.

9. the day of destiny questions

is this king arthur stiry about

10. setting of the day of the destiny


Information on the setting of the Day of Destiny

The Day of Destiny and the book in general was set in the fictional Kingdom of England during 15th century England. Various well known areas throughout the England were also mentioned: Salisbury Plain, Bareon Down, Dover, and Tower of London.

11. reflection of the day of destiny


Base it on my answer :)


REFLECTION OF LITERATURE: THE DAY OF DESTINY. The saddest thing about is that it never comes from your enemies. It comes from your friends and your loved ones. The Day of Destiny ; written by Sir Thomas Malory, a historical and legendary story of King Arthur.

12. setting of the day of destiny




13. The resolution of the day of destiny?

The saddest thing about is that it never comes from your enemies. It comes from your friends and your loved ones. The Day of Destiny ; written by Sir Thomas Malory, a historical and legendary story of King Arthur. Malory did not invent the stories in this collection while he was imprisoned in the early 1450's and completed in 1470's. He translated and compiled Arthurian stories that already existed in 13th century French prose (the so called Old French Vulgate romances) together with at least one from Middle English sources (the Alliterative Morte Arhture and the Stanzaic Morte Arthur) to create the whole chapter of Le Morte d'Arthur. 

14. the summary of the day of destiny


the druid named Mordred takes the crown of England. He too takes the King Arthur's spouse and makes her his possess spouse. He also fights with one of the troopers, Sir Gawain, who is mortally injured within the fight. Both the King Arthur and Mordred meets once more and prepares for their final battle. During their fight, Mordred is the as it were one remaining in his armed force. Arthur, on the other hand, has Sir Lucan, and Sir Bedivere. Arthur battles and kills Mordred, but he sustains his claim death wound within the prepare.

15. setting of the day of destiny

Setting of the day of destiny: England, United Kingdom

16. analysis of the day of destiny​





On the Day of Destiny, the druid named Mordred takes the crown of England. He also steals the King Arthur's wife and makes her his own wife. He also battles with one of the soldiers, Sir Gawain, who is mortally wounded in the battle. Both the King Arthur and Mordred meets again and prepares for their last battle

17. the day of destiny exposition

Mordred makes himself King of England and incestuously claims Guinevere as his wife. Guinevere escapes to the Tower of London. The Bishop of Canterbury reproaches Mordred for his usurpation and would-be incest, and when Mordred tries to kill him, he flees and becomes a hermit. Mordred wins many Englishmen to his side, then meets Arthur at Dover but is forced to retreat from him.

In this battle Gawain is mortally wounded. As he dies he admits to Arthur that if it were not for his insane pride in insisting on unjust revenge, Launcelot would be here now to save the kingdom; then he writes Launcelot, begging him to come help Arthur and also to pray at his tomb. Then, bleeding from the wound he got originally from Launcelot — with the fated sword of Balyn — Gawain dies.

Arthur meets Mordred again at the battle of Bareon Down and again puts him to flight. They meet next at Salisbury Plain, and there, with all who loved Launcelot fighting on Mordred's side, they prepare for what is to be their last battle. The night before the battle, Arthur dreams he is on the Wheel of Fortune, sitting on a throne and dressed in the richest gold that can be made:

And the kynge thought there was undir hym, farre from hym, an hydeous depe blak watir, and therein was all maner of serpentis and wormes and wylde bestis fowle and orryble. And suddeynly the kyrige thought that the whyle turned upso-downe, and he felle anionge the serpentis, and every beste toke hym by it lynnue. And than the kynge cryed as he lay in hys bed, "Helpe! Helpe!"

After the prophetic dream he has another. Gawain and a number of ladies come to him to warn him against fighting in the morning for if Arthur fights, he will die; if he waits for a month, Launcelot will be here to help him. Then Gawain and the ladies vanish.

Arthur asks a truce, and the two armies meet on the field to set terms. An adder appears, a knight unthinkingly draws his sword to kill it, and the two armies are at war. At the end of the day, Mordred is the only man of his army left standing, and Arthur has only two knights, Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere. Against Sir Lucan's advice, Arthur fights Mordred and kills him, but he gets his own death wound as he does it. Lucan and Bedivere bear him to a chapel. Robbers overrun the battlefield stealing the gear of dead knights, killing any that have life left in them.

Arthur is dying and cannot be moved to safety. And so he sends Bedivere to throw Excalibur into the lake nearby, then return and tell what he has seen. Bedivere hides the sword under a tree, thinking it too precious to throw away, then returns and says he has obeyed. "What did you see?" Arthur asks. Bedivere says he saw only waves and winds. Arthur sends him twice more, and the last time Bedivere does as he has been commanded. A hand catches the sword and brandishes it three times.

Then at Arthur's command, Bedivere carries the king to the waterside, where a barge awaits him and some ladies in black hoods. Bedivere puts Arthur in the barge and he is borne away to Avilon, perhaps to heal his wounds, perhaps to die. Bedivere wanders through a forest until he comes to where a hermit is kneeling over a fresh grave. It is the grave of a man brought to him at midnight by ladies in black. Whether or not the body is really that of Arthur, no one knows. Some say Arthur still lives, and some say riot.

Are you asking for the summary? :) If not then my answer is wrong :)

18. What is the day of destiny?

The Day of Destiny. ... Arthur meets Mordred again at the battle of Bareon Down and again puts him to flight. They meet next at Salisbury Plain, and there, with all who loved Launcelot fighting on Mordred's side, they prepare for what is to be their last battle.

19. Interpretation of the day of destiny

it implies that the end has come.... the day of reckoning has arrived. Destiny means the same thing as fate.... his fate will be decided or people are really destined to die.

20. Settings Of A Day Of Destiny

England is the setting of the tale. Since King Arthur is the king of England. So basically  it's England.

21. Summarize of the day of destiny

Athur is the first child of King Uhter Pendragon
,Arthur pullet the sword on and he became the King of the Kingdom of Camelot. King Arthur and Guinevere are couple but Lancelot and Guinevere have an affair. They try to kill Lancelot but he escaped. Queen Guinevere have a two knights two guard her but one of the knights are the brother of sir gawain. Mordred try to kill his Father king Arthur. Mordred is an Elligitimate son og King Arthur. King Arthur asked Bedivere to throw his sword at the lake. But the sword was taken by the Lady of the lake.King Arthur attack his sword to Mordred before he died. They put king arthurs body in Avalon. Some people believe that King Arthur did not die.

22. setting of the day of destiny​


Thomas Malory wrote Le Morte d’ Arthur which include the chapter of the Day of Destiny. The Day of Destiny and the book in general was set in the fictional Kingdom of England during 15th century England. Various well known areas throughout the England were also mentioned: Salisbury Plain, Bareon Down, Dover, and Tower of London.

23. Conflicts of the day of destiny

when he tried a second attempt to assassinate me he made the mistake of attacking me during the day. ... Truly, this is a conflict of adestiny much bigger than my own.

24. the author the day of destiny

Form, Morte D' Arthur by Sir Thomas Mallori

25. the day of destiny questions​


I don't understand the question

26. the day of destiny characters​


king Arthur






Morgan le fay

27. characters of a day of destiny

King Arthur , Merlin, Lot, Mordred, Morgan Ie Fay, Gawain, Lady Lyle of Avilon, Mark, Guinevere, Launcelot du Lake, Galahad, Trystram ,Gareth

Yan lang po ang alam kong Characters sa Day of Destiny

28. setting of the day of the destiny


The Day of Destiny and the book in general was set in the fictional Kingdom of England during 15th century England. Various well known areas throughout the England were also mentioned: Salisbury Plain, Bareon Down, Dover, and Tower of London.

29. SEnses of the day of destiny



What are the senses of sight,sound,smell,taste, touch in the text The Day of Destiny?

Sight - water lap, chair, and wheel

Touch - sword, helmet, head, chair, and table

Because people are close to each other, it's so easy to talk and talk about things not just about them but also about other people. And for this reason the stories spread more and more to more people. And it may not be true most of the time.

30. ending of the day of destiny

At the end of the day, Mordred is the only man of his army left standing, and Arthur has only two knights, Sir Lucan and Sir Bedivere. Against Sir Lucan's advice, Arthur fights Mordred and kills him, but he gets his own death wound as he does it. Lucan and Bedivere bear him to a chapel.

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