1.what event started as home industry,that has gained international recognition in romblon?A.stone ExpoB.mariones festivalc.marble craftd.sculpting2.what year does marble has been discovered in the Philippines particularly in romblon?A.1900'sB.1950'sC.1980'sD.1990's
1. 1.what event started as home industry,that has gained international recognition in romblon?A.stone ExpoB.mariones festivalc.marble craftd.sculpting2.what year does marble has been discovered in the Philippines particularly in romblon?A.1900'sB.1950'sC.1980'sD.1990's
1. C.
2. B.
I'm not sure in #2
2. I. Directions: Write S if the sentence is Simple, P if it is perfect, PR if Progressive and PPR if Perfect Progressive. 1. She gives me a glass of water. 2. I will join the basketball team. 3. I have been living this house for 40 years. 4. In two years, I will have saved one million pesos. 5. I had washed the dishes Pa Help Po Please
1. S
3. S
5. S
i hope it helps
please make me brainliest
3. SCIENCE 9 WEEK 8 DIFFERENT STAR PATTERNS THROUGH THE YEAR ACTIVITY 1 Words from the star text have been scrambled in the circles below. Your job is to unscramble the letters and write the correct word on the line under each circle. T F L S. S x Y N D o A А 2 D P S 3 E R F R R A R W T A 4
1. Dust
2. Fusion
3. Galaxy
4. Dwarf
5. Protostar
6. Matter
correct me if I'm wrong:))
4. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS 1. You and your friend are both graduating from college this year. Your friend's father asked whether the two of you would like to buy the air conditioning business which he founded and operated for thirty years. It has been a very lucrative business, and a leader on the line. 2. Your friend's father will finance the buy-out through a loan, which will be paid off over the next ten years. His father has agreed to be a consultant for a year or two in case his advice and s needed. The firm has sixty qualified employees, large inventory, fortu service trucks, and a well- established list of clients. 3. You and your friend are discussing the possibility if buying the firm. Discuss the tyoes with of control you would use and the control process the two of you would implement as the new owners of the firm.
What you mean?
5. Let Us DoActivity ll: You can do it!Directions:Wear your face mask and face shield, observe social distancing. Go to the nearest businessestablishment in your place and conduct an interview. Use the guide questions below for the interview1. what is the business name?2. who is the owner?3. what is/are product/s or service/s?4. how many years have they been in bisuness?5. do they have their business plan in this business?6.if the answer is YES, why did they make a business plan?7.if the answer is NO, what is the reason they have no business plan?Pa help Naman po
1.Melody Store
2.My mama
3.some groceries
4.3 years
6.cause for my sister ana
yan lng po alam ko pede po ba pa brainliest
6. ACTIVITY 2Read the short stories. After reading, supply the blanks with the needed details.Mr. Diaz has been longing to buy a car. After two years of saving, he was able to buy a new car. It costhim much money. On his way to work, something happened the first time day he drove his car. It would notstart while other vehicles are fastly moving. Mr. Diaz was already late for his meeting. He called a mechanic tocheck his car. The mechanic worked fast. He found some loose wires in the car which he connected properly.Mr. Diaz happily drove his car to the office.1. Setting:2. Character/s: Mke Diaz3. Exposition4. Climax:5. Resolution:
1. Setting: road
2. Character/s: Mr. Diaz
3. Exposition: He's car won't start
4. Climax: On he's way to work his car suddenly won't start
5. Resolution: He called a mechanic to fix his car for him
hope it helps
7. Part II. Direction: Identify the word/s being asked in each item. Choose your answer from the Word Bank belowand write your answer on the space provided.Public DomainTrademarkGeographical IndicationLogoIntellectual Property PatentCopyright infringementCopyright,PlagiarismInvention1. Legal document granted by the government, giving an inventor the exclusive right to make, use,and sell an invention for a specified number of years.2. A symbol, such as a word, number, picture, or design, used by manufacturers or merchants toidentify their products and distinguish them from others.3. A law granting authors and creators of original works the exclusive privilege to reproduce,distribute, perform, display or sell their work.4. Works that are not copyrighted and may be used without permission.5. A design used by an organization on its letterhead, advertising6. are something that has never been made before, or the process of creating something that hasnever been made before7. The cases of copying copyright which focus more on the quality than on the quantity of what hasbeen copied.8. A piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your ownwork
being asked in each item. Choose your answer from the Word Bank below
and write your answer on the space
8. 1. This sweater feels itchy. 2. The train arrived late. 3. Please bring tea. 4. There were a big car and small car in the garage. S. Are you working? 6. The bill has been paid. I had not seen him for 10 years. 7. S. The copier is out of paper. 9. The boy walked fast. 10. We opened the gift after the party. 11. This food tastes delicious. 12. The wind blow violently. 13. The king sat at the end of the table. 14. These jeans are too small for me. 15. I must study hard.
Answer: f
9. Activity 1: "Modified True or False"Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If it is false, underline the word(s) thatmakelsl it incorrect and write the correct answer on the space provided for.1. Drawings have been interpreted as religious in nature with infant drawings made torelieve the sickness of children.2. Carving in the Philippines focuses on metal and folk non-clay sculptures.3. Boats are believed to have been used in the archipelago for thousands of years sincethe arrival of humans through water.4. Expensive textiles are made through the intricate and simple process called back-strap looming.5. Panolong is the royal house which is engraved with intricately-made okir motif, andthe palaces of major kingdoms which were the seat of power and residences of thehead of Sulu prior to colonization.
hope it help
10. what a dark and Stormy night only a kerosene lamp lighted up little room.and only dino,a twelve years old boy was at home to take care of his younger brother and sister,Good and princes s who is only one month old.how he wished his father had been home before dark. his thought was soon drifting away.What if something happened to their parents?Then there was a rattling sound at the door.jose ran to open it.it was his father.he was injured his left ankle was swollen because he got hurt when the jeepney he had taken turned down.1.where is the setting?________________2.who are the characters?___________________LAST ONE PLEASE ANSWER
2.Dino, princess, jose, father.
11. "Film Viewing" Do the following instructions. 1. Download and watch the movie MAGNIFICO (filipino film) and THE SHACK (foreign film). 2. After both film viewings have been completed, answer the following: a. Title b. Director c. Year d. Lead Characters and the actors who played them e. Film genre f. Summarization of the story 3. Compare and contrast the qualities you observed in the Filipino and the American/foreign films that make each one unique. IGP S F
Watch the Filipino film "Magnifico" and the American/foreign film "The Shack."
a. Title - Magnifico (Filipino film), The Shack (American/foreign film)
b. Director - Maryo J. de los Reyes (Magnifico), Stuart Hazeldine (The Shack)
c. Year released - 2003 (Magnifico), 2017 (The Shack)
d. Lead Characters and the actors who played them -
Magnifico: Magnifico "Ikoy" Villavicencio (Jiro Manio), Edna Villavicencio (Lorna Tolentino), Gerry Villavicencio (Albert Martinez)
The Shack: Mackenzie "Mack" Phillips (Sam Worthington), Papa (Octavia Spencer), Jesus (Aviv Alush)
e. Film genre -
Magnifico: Drama/Family
The Shack: Drama/Fantasy
f. Summarization of the story -
Magnifico: The story revolves around a young boy named Magnifico who dreams of making his sick sister's last wish come true. Despite their family's financial struggles, Magnifico does everything in his power to make his sister's dream a reality.
The Shack: The story follows a man named Mack who has lost his daughter and struggles to move on. One day, he receives a letter inviting him to return to the shack where his daughter was murdered. Mack goes to the shack and has a life-changing experience that helps him find closure and healing.
2. Compare and contrast the qualities you observed in the Filipino and American/foreign films that make each one unique.
The Filipino film "Magnifico" portrays a realistic and emotional family drama with a focus on the struggles of poverty and the importance of family. The story is simple yet touching, and the performances of the actors are convincing and genuine.
On the other hand, the American/foreign film "The Shack" blends drama with fantasy, using surreal imagery and symbolism to convey a message of faith and redemption. The story is complex and thought-provoking, with a strong spiritual aspect. While both films deal with themes of family, loss, and resilience, they differ in their approach and style, making each one unique in its own way.
12. Exercises: Identify the following as S=Simple. Com=Compound, CX=Comp Complex. 1. The summer has been extremely hot, but I think it's getting cooler now. 2.because my car has no air conditioning, I've been taking the bus. 3. when winter comes, we'll all be complaining about the cold, and with my luck, my heater will break. 4. I would really love to buy a new car, maybe a hybrid. 5. in the next five years, I will have enough money to pay off my debt. 6. Fred was concerned about his daughters cough; however, it turned out to be nothing serious. 7. her alarm didn't go off this morning because she set it for P.M. instead of A.M.paki answer :) kung di niyo alam wag na kayong mag answer kailangan ko na ngayon.
Done I hope its help
Please brainlest me
13. 1. D = {x/x is an odd number greater than 5 but less than 10}2. S = {x/xis an even number less than 5}>S={_3. T= {x/x is a month of the year that starts in S}T = {4. Y = {x/x is a day of the week that starts in M}Y = {.5. L = { x/x are symbols in the Roman Numeration System }L = {B. State whether each set is empty, unit, finite, or infinite.1. A = { months in a year }2. B = { consonants which are also vowels}3. C = { names of days spelled with seven letters)4. D = { men who have been to the sun}5. E= { even prime numbers greater than 50}
1. D = {7,9}
2. S = {2,4}
3. T = {September}
4. Y = {Monday}
5. L = {I,V,X,L,C,D,M}
1. A = {January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December} = Finite
2. B = { } = Empty
3. C = {Tuesday} = Unit
4. D = { } = Empty
5. E = {52,54,56,58,60...} = Infinite
Ask me anything you want me to explain about my answer.
14. Select the correct preposition in each of the sentences below.1. Almost all people fall in love at least once (by, on, during) their lifetimes.2. No one can leave the crime scene (for, as, until) the police have talked toeach and everyone.3. In my youth, school children spent most of their time outdoors(on, during, at) the summer.4. Students must complete their course work for a masters degree(by, for, within) six years to be eligible for a degree.5. NASA scientist concentrated their efforts on landing a man on the moon(by, at, throughout) the 1960's.6. Many people rush to the kitchen to get snacks (on, during, by) commercialson T.V.Good athletes can exercise (on, for during) hours before becoming'exhausted.8. A popular soap opera in America has been on the air (over, at, on) 40 years.9. Dinosaurs have been extinct (in, during, for) millions of years.10. Man first landed on the moon (at, on, in) 1969.11. Harold goes to school from 9:00 (for, te, at) 3:30.12. Larry gets up every morning (before, on, through) 6:00 to exercise.13. Hotel guests must wait (by, to, until) midmorning for room service.14. (during, for, before) starting to drive one should always fasten theirseat belt.15. I never work (on, at in) Sunday night.16. The meeting of the board of directors ended (on, at, from) 9:30.17. I usually get home from work (by, from, in) 6:00.18. I'll be there precisely (in,on, at) 3:30.19. Blood pressure goes up (for, during, to) times of stress.20. My mother has been going to PTA meeting (for, during, since) 1987.21. She left for class at five (by, past, before) 12.22. The president will address the nation (in, for on Sunday ayon
1.during 2.until 3.during 4.for 5.at 6.during 7.for 8.over 9.in 10.in 11.for 12.on 13.by 14.before 15.at in 16.at 17.from 18.at 19.during 20.since 21.before 22.in
mag aral po kayo ng mabuti god bless po
15. true or false 1.decreased the deforested area caused by human activities from the 1960 s denudation has been adversely affecting natural ecosystem biodiversity and the climate.2.uneding loss of naturalsystem could make human activities increasingly suspectible to environmental surprises in the coming years explainplease answer my question
11. TRUE
hope it helps!
16. Did 'S or Dont's1. Proper lubrication of measuring instruments will prevent damage due to corrosion and oxidation.2. Always wipe not only the measuring faces of your tools, but of the work piece being measured as well.3. Always keep your tools used for measuring at extreme heat room temperature.4. The storage location should have destructive elements.5. Stack measuring instruments on top of each other even without well-protected cases.6. Do not drop , throw or bang measuring instruments against hard surfaces.7. Measuring tools will provide you with years of dependable services if you will not care for them property8. Your measuring tools should be cleaned regularly , ideally once a year.9. Some measuring instruments require occasional recalibration to ensure they continue to function as designed.10. Measuring devices that have been abused and not maintained as they should have been are apt to be for years.
#CarryOnLearning =)17. 1. Helen is 13 years old his father is 6 years more than twice her age 2. Edna s 155 cm tall lilia's height is 10 cm less than twice admus height how tall is lilia 3. Roman weights 25 kg his father weights 5kg less than three times romans father 4. Francis is 10 years old been is twice as old as francis what is the age of ben 5. Aning is 5 years old i am 6 years more than that thrice her age how old i am .
1. 30
2. 300
3. 70
4. 20
5. 21
Step-by-step explanation:
(2 x 13) +4 = 30
(2 x 155) -10 = 300
(3 x 25) -5 = 70
2 x 10 = 20
(3 x 5) + 6 = 21
18. Let Us DoActivity ll: You can do it!Directions:Wear your face mask and face shield, observe social distancing. Go to the nearest businessestablishment in your place and conduct an interview. Use the guide questions below for the interview1. what is the business name?2. who is the owner?3. what is/are product/s or service/s?4. how many years have they been in bisuness?5. do they have their business plan in this business?6.if the answer is YES, why did they make a business plan?7.if the answer is NO, what is the reason they have no business plan?
Test Il. Directions: Complete the frequency distribution table below.
19. Activity 1: "Modified True or False"Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If it is false, underline the word(s) thatmakelsl it incorrect and write the correct answer on the space provided for.1. Drawings have been interpreted as religious in nature with infant drawings made torelieve the sickness of children.2. Carving in the Philippines focuses on metal and folk non-clay sculptures.3. Boats are believed to have been used in the archipelago for thousands of years sincethe arrival of humans through water.4. Expensive textiles are made through the intricate and simple process called back-strap looming.5. Panolong is the royal house which is engraved with intricately-made okir motif, andthe palaces of major kingdoms which were the seat of power and residences of thehead of Sulu prior to colonization.
Kamusta? tuloy ka halika na pare wag kang mahiyang pumasok Kamusta? tuloy ka halika na pare wag kang mahiyang pumasokPasensya kana sa bahay ko medyo madumi at nakakasulasok Kamusta? tuloy ka halika na pare wag kang mahiyang pumasokPasensya kana sa bahay ko medyo madumi at nakakasulasokBalak ko sanang maglinis kaso dumating ka hindi na umabot Kamusta? tuloy ka halika na pare wag kang mahiyang pumasokPasensya kana sa bahay ko medyo madumi at nakakasulasokBalak ko sanang maglinis kaso dumating ka hindi na umabotMay alak kabang dala wala kase akong pang-inom di ko pa sahodExplanation:
20. B. Directions: Write Tir the statement is TRUE or F if the statement is FALSE.1. Lite begun almost 400.000 years ago2. lee might have covered the oceans 3 billion years ago3. The main role of DNA is to store information on how other moleculesshould be arranged4. Microfossils are fossils that contain the remains of tiny plants andanimals.S. The bacteria are the first photosynthetic organisms to form.6. Deep sea vents are rich in chemical and thermal energy, sustain7. The first form of life is believed to have appeared some 4.5 billion years8. 100 percent of the universe have already been explored.9. The first fossilized animals which were discovered 580 million yearsago were hard-bodied.10. Organisms without cell nucleus are called prokaryotes
sana makatulong:)
21. Writing the Body Paragraph The cockroach lore that has been daunting us for years is mostly true. Roaches can live for twenty days without food, fourteen days without water; They can flatten their bodies and crawl through a crack thinner than a centavo; they can eat huge doses of carcinogens and still die of old age. They can even survive “as much radiation as an oak tree can,” says William Bell, the University of Kansas entomologist whose cockroaches appeared in the movie The Day After. They will eat almost anything--- regular food, leather, glue, hair, paper, even the starch in the bookbinding. (The New York public Library has quite a cockroach problem.) They sense the slightest breeze, and they can react and start running in .05 second; they can also remain motionless for days. And if all this isn’t creepy enough, they can fly too. Troyka, Lynn Quitman. Simon & Schuster Handbook for Writers, 6th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2002. Study Guide Question (s): 1. How does the paragraph begin? By describing the cockroach lore been daunting in many year. 2. What is highlighted in sentences 2 to 8? Output (s): 1. Identify the RENNS in the example paragraph.
Hala bakit ganun nakakaiyak
About the cockroachesAbout how cockroaches infest housesWhat is renns?22. areaInstruction: Read the following situations below. Identify whatofspecialization of counselors should these patients seek help.1. Not long ago a client (Alan) came in seeking help for drugand alcohol abuse. He was in his mid 30's and had been using marijuana, cocaineand methamphetamine since his late teenage years. He started drinking alcoholbefore he was a teenager.2. Cathy had been married for 14 years to her high schoolsweetheart. Things started out good but as their family grew to four children thefirst five years, their marital relationship gradually deteriorated. Her husband, asales manager traveled almost every week. When he was home, he tended to ignoreher and the kids. Cathy would occupy herself with housework, church duties andhelping neighbors and other relatives. Most people thought Cathy had a goodmarriage, but inside she felt empty and trapped.
They should see a consular
23. I) 21H) IndiaUl your answers from the box.A) BadmintonC) 1964E) PoonaG) PhilippinesB) VolleyballD) 1992J) 25F) Mintonette1) This is the year that badminton became an Olympic sport.2) It is the game believed to have been the origin of badminton.3) It is a game that requires skills in service, strokes in hitting a shuttle, and power of the leg or footwork.4) This is the total points needed to win a game of badminton5) It is the country where badminton was believed to have come from,6) It is the name first given to volleyball._7) It is the country where volleyball was introduced by Elwood S. Brown in 1910.8) This is the year that volleyball had its first summer Olympics._9) It is a game that needs expertise in servicing, volleying, setting, spiking, and blocking.10) This is the total points needed to win a game of volleyball.
1.D2.E3.A4.I5.H6.F7.G8.C9.B10.J24. with the interna TASK 2. Directions: Fill in the blanks with the information needed of you to answer ER In one of the speeches of our President, he has approved the imposition of a "community quarantine" in the entire Metro Manila as the Ayaw naming gamitin yan kasi takot kayo sabihin niyo lockdown. But it's a lockdown. President Rodezte 242 user OF S pts un pieak government struggles to contain the spread of the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the country, March of this year. In fact, even in Cebu and other provinces of the Philippines, we have been put into community quarantines, be it GCQ, General Community Quarantine or ECQ, Enhanced Community Quarantine.
MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte has opted to extend the general community quarantine (GCQ) over Metro Manila and several other areas because of the continued increase in confirmed cases of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
25. II.Identify which among the statements contain Factual information (statements that canbe verified or proven to be true or false) or Subjective content (involves judgementfeeling, opinion, intuition, or emotion rather than factual information). Write Fforfactual and S for subjective. Write your answer on the space before the number,1. Your heart pumps blood through your body.2. Sunday is the best day of the week.3. This has been a terrible month.4. Watching fireworks on the 4th of July is lots of fun.5. There are 12 months in the year.6. The pandemic Covid-19 scared the whole world.7. Everyone should make Valentine's Day cards.8. Your birthday comes only one day a year.9. Memorial Day is the most important holiday of the year.10. A giant tortoise can live to be over 150 years old.
your heart pumps blood through your body
26. Pa help plss...Kailangan ko ito bukas...Activity 1: "Modified True or False"Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If it is false, underline the word(s) thatmakelsl it incorrect and write the correct answer on the space provided for.1. Drawings have been interpreted as religious in nature with infant drawings made torelieve the sickness of children.2. Carving in the Philippines focuses on metal and folk non-clay sculptures.3. Boats are believed to have been used in the archipelago for thousands of years sincethe arrival of humans through water.4. Expensive textiles are made through the intricate and simple process called back-strap looming.5. Panolong is the royal house which is engraved with intricately-made okir motif, andthe palaces of major kingdoms which were the seat of power and residences of thehead of Sulu prior to colonization.Nonsense-Report❗❗❗Konti na lang poin.ts koPlss lang ung MATINO at TAMA
correct me if I'm wrong
27. 1. Have you been a member of the Barkada Kontra Droga from the previous school years? If yes, how long and in what specific activities were you involved? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Why did you decide to join this organization and what is/are the significant action/s do you plan to contribute for this advocacy?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Pakisagot po thank you.
will convinced them that what Good result if he/she join the group(BKD) that helps other people to avoid using drugs that may effect our life bad28. Pa help plss...Kailangan ko ito bukas...Activity 1: "Modified True or False"Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If it is false, underline the word(s) thatmakelsl it incorrect and write the correct answer on the space provided for.1. Drawings have been interpreted as religious in nature with infant drawings made torelieve the sickness of children.2. Carving in the Philippines focuses on metal and folk non-clay sculptures.3. Boats are believed to have been used in the archipelago for thousands of years sincethe arrival of humans through water.4. Expensive textiles are made through the intricate and simple process called back-strap looming.5. Panolong is the royal house which is engraved with intricately-made okir motif, andthe palaces of major kingdoms which were the seat of power and residences of thehead of Sulu prior to colonization.Nonsense-Report❗❗❗
yan po sana makatulong
29. Box the prepositional phrase/s in each of the following sentences.1.) He would like to be independent from his parents.2.) The lion in the cage was very scary.3.) They are fond of going to the new playground.4.) The flowers beside my window need some water.5.) We have been coming to the seminar for a year.
correct me if I'm wrong
30. by: Syrolle France S. PaterterMuning is one of our domesticated, accustomed to home life, pets,Unlike the other felines in the house, it was a rescued cat. I found it a yearago, near the riverbank, clinging to one of the tree's roots. Since then,Muning has been our happy pill. It loves to be caressed, stroked gently,until it falls asleep on our laps. Even with the new quadruped, having fourfeet, pets in the house, Muning will still remain as our loving feline,1. What is being described in the story?a. a catb. a dogC. a cow2. Where did the narrator find Muning?a. by the lakeb. by the beachc. by the riverbank3. Copy the underlined words in the story. Then, find the meaning ofeach word in the sentence.to
1. A
2. C
3. (There's no underlined words given.)