1 The earth is made up of three layers: the crust, the mantle and the core. The the mantle, which is 2,895 kilometers thick. The core, which is 3,475 kilometers thick surrounded by the mantle. The innermost part is solid (the inner core) while the outer part is liquid layer called the crust , is between 16 and 40 kilometers thick. It floats on a thicker layer as (the outer core) The purpose of the author is to 2. An old man suffering from a nagging back ache went to see his doctor. The doctor wrote the prescription and told the man to apply it on his back. After a week, he came back still complaining about the pain The doctor asked him if he followed the directions. The man turned and on his back was the prescription firmly posted. The purpose of the author is to At no time in history have humans produced so much waste. Ours is a throw-away society No matter which area is examined, it is found that for health, safety, advertising, or other reasons, we produce more waste. We have to implement ways to make use of people's waste to prevent further damage to humanity The purpose of the author is to 3 4. The year is 2020 Global warfare is raging. Not one country against another. This is all-out war-humans against computers Back in 2018 - Back in 2018 - what seems ages ago - the Athan Computer Group perfected a revolutionary new chip that enable computers to learn. And learn they did - at a rate incomprehensible to humans. The purpose of the author is to 5 Residents of a small village in Nueva Vizcaya can now look forward to a continuous supply of clean and safe water with the completion of a water system project. The new water system in Barangay Bangaan. Here, which was funded by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter- Day Saints, was formally inaugurated last week. The purpose of the author is to C. Assessment Application and Output 1. Directions: Read and analyze each sentence. Identify the author's purpose whether to Inform Entertain or Persuade State your reason for choosing your answer 1. A story about a family trying to stick together and survive through the Great Crisis in a certain area in the 1930's. Answer. Reason 2. A section in a history book describing the conditions and causes of the Great Depression in the Midwest in the 1930's Answer: Reason: An instructional booklet describing how to operate a smart phone Answer: Reason: A medical report describing the effects of steroids on the human body Answer: Reason:
1. 1 The earth is made up of three layers: the crust, the mantle and the core. The the mantle, which is 2,895 kilometers thick. The core, which is 3,475 kilometers thick surrounded by the mantle. The innermost part is solid (the inner core) while the outer part is liquid layer called the crust , is between 16 and 40 kilometers thick. It floats on a thicker layer as (the outer core) The purpose of the author is to 2. An old man suffering from a nagging back ache went to see his doctor. The doctor wrote the prescription and told the man to apply it on his back. After a week, he came back still complaining about the pain The doctor asked him if he followed the directions. The man turned and on his back was the prescription firmly posted. The purpose of the author is to At no time in history have humans produced so much waste. Ours is a throw-away society No matter which area is examined, it is found that for health, safety, advertising, or other reasons, we produce more waste. We have to implement ways to make use of people's waste to prevent further damage to humanity The purpose of the author is to 3 4. The year is 2020 Global warfare is raging. Not one country against another. This is all-out war-humans against computers Back in 2018 - Back in 2018 - what seems ages ago - the Athan Computer Group perfected a revolutionary new chip that enable computers to learn. And learn they did - at a rate incomprehensible to humans. The purpose of the author is to 5 Residents of a small village in Nueva Vizcaya can now look forward to a continuous supply of clean and safe water with the completion of a water system project. The new water system in Barangay Bangaan. Here, which was funded by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter- Day Saints, was formally inaugurated last week. The purpose of the author is to C. Assessment Application and Output 1. Directions: Read and analyze each sentence. Identify the author's purpose whether to Inform Entertain or Persuade State your reason for choosing your answer 1. A story about a family trying to stick together and survive through the Great Crisis in a certain area in the 1930's. Answer. Reason 2. A section in a history book describing the conditions and causes of the Great Depression in the Midwest in the 1930's Answer: Reason: An instructional booklet describing how to operate a smart phone Answer: Reason: A medical report describing the effects of steroids on the human body Answer: Reason:
sana nakatolong
2. Why Houseplants are the Perfect Valentine's Day Gift The Beatles sang “money can’t buy me love” but do you think they’d say the same thing about houseplants and love? If your partner or crush is a lover of all things green and leafy, then we bet they’d be thrilled with getting a houseplant for Valentine’s Day. And even if they’re not a convert yet, now is a good time to get them hooked to the plant gene. It’s early spring for most of us, and this is the perfect time to bring a new houseplant home. Sure, you can always default to red roses for a grand Valentine’s Day gesture, but let us try to change your mind. Here's why houseplants make for much better gifts than cut flowers, plus a few ideas of low-maintenance and romantic houseplants to get you started! 1.Houseplants last longer Ok, this is obvious. But we’re trying to slowly ease into advocating for houseplants. The average life of a bouquet of cut flowers is about a week. Some bouquets come with plant feed that might stretch that to ten days. After that, it’s bye-bye flowers! Houseplants last much longer. Even the blackest of thumbs can’t manage to kill a plant in a week (don’t take that as a challenge though!). Houseplants may last for years as a good reminder for a thoughtful Valentine’s Day gift. 2. Houseplants are often cheaper We bet this one is not so obvious, right? You may think of houseplants as an investment. And some of them are (especially rare specimens). But you can easily find houseplants that cost 10 dollars, and we’re not talking about runts. Prices are going down as the popularity of houseplants is going up, so even a trip to your local plant nursery won’t break the bank. 3. Houseplants are more environmentally friendly Most people don’t realize the environmental footprint of the fresh flower industry. That’s because we tend to associate flowers with nature, and nature can do no wrong, right? What I Can Do 21 Well, not until it’s exploited for profit at a massive scale. Most cut flowers are grown year-round in greenhouses and fields heavily laden with pesticides. In the United States, most fresh flowersare imported. And because the flowers are already cut (so pretty much dead), they are shipped long distances in refrigerated containers that take a lot of energy to stay cool. There is also a lot of waste in the flower industry because we all want perfect-looking flowers with zero blemishes. And not to mention the waste caused by the flowers being thrown away en-masse if the supermarket can’t sell them within the short window when they look nice and perky. We’re not saying that houseplants have a zero-carbon footprint. But they are definitely the more responsible choice for eco-conscious Valentines. 4. Houseplants send a message Now that we got the practical reasons out of the way, let’s talk a bit about the sentimental symbolism. When you give someone a houseplant, the underlying message is this: I think you’re a responsible person. I think you can nurture and take care of something. And you can count on me because I’ll be around to help. Maybe in not so many words. But the sentiment is there! If your partner is already someone who loves houseplants, then offering them another plant for their collection shows that you care about their interests and hobbies. And you get extra bonus points for being a good listener if they’ve already hinted that they wouldn’t mind another green friend, and you deliver. Source: https://www.pilea.com/post/why-houseplants-are-the-perfect-valentine-s-day-gift 1. Is there someone in your family who loves planting? What do you think does he/she feels after reading this blog? ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Pick out lines that reveal the purpose of the author in writing the blog. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Did the author make use of literary devices? Mention some. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. Do you agree/ disagree with the ideas of giving plants as a gift on Valentine’s Day? Why or why not? ___________________________________________________________________ 5. Which part of the blog catches your interest and convinces you the most of the blogger’s reflections or ideas? __________________________________________
1.yes, he is happy and amazed amd because he loves to plant he appreciates the plants that are given to him even more.
yan lang po sagot ko eh
3. V. Select the correct adjective or adverb from those enclosed in parentheses and write it on the space provided at the left.___________ 1. Although he sometimes works (careless,carelessly), he seems (real,very) eager to learn the business.___________ 2. Second year French was (some,somewhat) easier for me, but my accent still sounded (odd,oddly). ___________ 3. I had to eat my breakfast (hasty,hastily) but the food tasted (terrible,terribly).___________ 4. I must say that Daddy (sure,surely) sounded (angry,angrily) when I heard him.___________ 5. The (older,oldest) of their two daugthers attends the speech clinic because she stutters (bad,badly).___________ 6. We all felt (sad,sadly) to see our basketball team so (poorly,poor).___________ 7. Mrs. Reyes cooks so (good,well) that if you stay longer in her house, you will gain weight (considerable,considerably).VI. Make vivid pictures of the underlined subjects in the following sentences by adding adjectives:Mayon Volcano elicits gasps of admiration from even the most seasoned travelers.The boys drove through the desert at night and slept in the daytime.The law has been poorly enforced.The fog was now rapidly lifting from the field.The hall remained quiet for the rest of the hour.The epidemic appeared without warning.Many children do not understand English.The class has a very good attendance record.Cars have safety belts s standard equipment.A school will be constructed here. VII. Choose and underline the correct verb form from the verbs in parentheses.John, along with twenty friends, (is/are) planning a party.The picture of the soldiers (bring/brings) back many memories.The quality of these recording (is/are) not very good.If the salaries of these officers (isnt/arent) reduced, there will not be enough funds for completing the project.Cigarette smoking (have/has) been proven harmful.The use of credit cards in place of cash (have/has) increased rapidly in recent years.Advertisements on television (is/are) becoming more competitive than ever before.Living expenses in this country, as well as in many other countries, (is/are) at an all-time high.Mr. Jones, accompanied by several members of the committee, (have/has) proposed some changes in the rules.The level of intoxication (vary/varies) from subject to subject.VIII. Subject-Verb Agreement. Choose the correct form of the verb in the ff. sentences:Neither Bill nor Mary (is/are) going to the play tonight.Anything (is/are) better than going to another movie tonight.Skating (is/are) becoming more popular everyday.A number of reporters (was/were) at the conference yesterday.Everybody who (nurse/nurses) a fever must go home immediately and rest.Your glasses (was/were) on the bureau last night.There (was/were) only a few people at the meeting last week. The committee (has/have) already reached a decision.A pair of jeans (was/were) in the washing machine this morning.Each student (has/have) come up with (his/their) interpretation of the play.Either John or his wife (make/makes) breakfast each morning.After she had perused the material, the secretary decided that everything (was/were) in order.The crowd at the basketball game (was/were) wild with excitement.A pack of wild dogs (has/have) frightened all the ducks away.The jury (is/are) trying to reach a decision.The army (has/have) eliminated this section of the training test.The number of students who (has,have) withdrawn from the class this quarter (is/are) apalling.There (has/have) been too many interruptions in this class.Every elementary school teacher (has/have) to take this examination.Neither Jill nor her parents (has/have) seen this movie before.
carelessly, verysomewhat, oddlyhastily, terriblesurely, angryoldest, badlysad, poorwell, considerablyVI. My dear, where are the underlines? :)
VII. and VIII. I'll leave this for the others to answer :) let's not be greedy