idenelaicularlyLessoInstructions: Write True if the statement is true and if the statement is false underline the word's that makes thestatement false and replace it with the correct word/s, Write your answers on the space provided.1. The name Jesus means God is salvation.2. The birth of Jesus signifies God's love for all of us.3. The Gospel of St. Luke narrated that Jesus was bom in the house.4. The Gospel of St. Luke mentioned that Jesus was born in a stable.5. The story of the birth of Jesus can be found in all Gospel accounts.6. The shepherds appeared in the birth of Jesus as mentioned by St. Matthew7. The announcement of St. Raphael reveals God's plan to choose Mary to be the mother of god
1. idenelaicularlyLessoInstructions: Write True if the statement is true and if the statement is false underline the word's that makes thestatement false and replace it with the correct word/s, Write your answers on the space provided.1. The name Jesus means God is salvation.2. The birth of Jesus signifies God's love for all of us.3. The Gospel of St. Luke narrated that Jesus was bom in the house.4. The Gospel of St. Luke mentioned that Jesus was born in a stable.5. The story of the birth of Jesus can be found in all Gospel accounts.6. The shepherds appeared in the birth of Jesus as mentioned by St. Matthew7. The announcement of St. Raphael reveals God's plan to choose Mary to be the mother of god
1true po
2true po
3wrong po
4true po
5true po
6true po
7true po
2. used III. IDENTIFICATION. Identify the word/s referred to in each item. Choose your answer from the box below. Meditative Prayer (20pts.) Christian Prayer Natural Faith Ihmic Pattern elodic Pattern 49% A Contemplative Prayer Divine Revelation Prayer Supernatural Faith Vocal Prayer Faith Holy Eucharist sCleanliness 31. It means that God makes known Himself and the mysterious plan of his will for man and the world. 32. It refers to the personal adherence of man to God. 33. This kind of faith involves accepting something as true. 34. A kind of faith that originated from God. 35. It is a loving, conscious, personal relationship with God. 36. The highest point or summit of prayer. 37. It is a personal communication to God that may be expressed vocally or mentally. 38. It is a form of prayer made by using some approved form of words, read or recited. 39. A form of reflective prayer which engages thought, imagination, emotion, and desire. 40. It is a silent attentiveness which looks at God by contemplating and adoring his attributes.
1 .natural prayer 2.prayer3.divene revelation4.vocal prayer5.contemplativeprayer6.faith7.super natural faith 8.holy ecuharist
3. Write S if the statement refers to the leadership of Saul, D if it refers to the leadership of David and SO if it refers to the leadership of Solomon. 1. Secretly anointed by Samuel as a leader due to some circumstances. 2. Due to the sins committed during his reign, he suffered violent moods as a consequence. 3. He killed his own self using his sword. 4. He solved arguments by means of wise decisions. 5. Highly respected by the people of Israel and other neighboring countries. 6. In order to marry the woman he liked, he planned and ordered to kill the husband of that particular woman. 7. Established a strong and brilliant military troop. 8. His own son plotted a rebellion against him. 9. He disobeyed God by offering holocaust that should be done only by the Levites or Priests. 10. Considered as the great builder in Jerusalem. 11. For a time he was seemed to be a good king.
Man, How many exams have you finished yet? well heres my answer don't know if it's all correct though=\
^-^4. The Taximan's Story by Catherine Lim(Story taken from Embracing our Heritage, Learning Module for English Grade Spp168-169) Very good, Madam. Sure, will take you there in plenty good time for your meeting, madam. This way better, less traffic, less car jams. Half hour shouldmake it, madam, so not to worry.2 What is it you say, madam? Yes, yes, ha, ha, been taxi man for twenty years now, madam. Long time ago. Singapore not like this so crowded so busy. Last time more peaceful, not so much taximen, or so much cars and buses.3 Yes madam, can make a living. So so. What to do. Must work hard if wants to success in Singapore. People like us, no education, no capital for business, we must sweat to earn money for wife and children.Yes, madam, quite big family--eight children, six sons, two daughters. Big family! Ha! Ha! No good, madam. In those days. Where got Family Planning in Singapore? People born many, many children, every year, one child. Is no good at all. Today is much better. Two children, three children, enough, stop. Our government say stop.5 Luck for me, all my children big now. Four of my sons working one a businessman, two clerks, one a teacher in Primary school, one in National Service, one still schooling, in Secondary Two. My eldest daughter, she is twenty plus, stay at home, help the mother. No, not married yet---Very shy and her health not so good, but a good, and obedient girl. My other girl Oh, Madam! Very hard for father when daughter is no good and go against her parents. Very sad like punishment from God. Today, young people not like us when we are young. We obey. Our parents say don't do this, we never do. Otherwise, the cane. My father cane me. I was big enough to be married, and still, got caning. My father he was very strict, and that is good thing for parents to be strict. If not, young boys and girls become very useless. Do not want to study, but run away, and go to night clubs and take drugs and make love. You agree with me madam?6 Today, young people they are very trouble to their parents. Madam, you see this young people over there, outside the coffee house? See what I mean, madam? They are only school boys and school girls, but they act like big shots,Quarter 2 Week 5pending money, smoking, wearing latest fashion, and making love. Ah, Madam, I know, I know! As taximan, I know them and their habits. Madam, you are a teacher, you say? You know or not that young school girls, fifteen, sixteen years old, they go to public lavatory or hotel and change into these clothes, and they put make-up on their face. Their parents never know. They tell their Mum got school meeting, got sports and games, this, that, but they really come out and play the fool.
positive message
pending money,smoking,wearing latest fashion
negative message
can make a living
5. 1. which best describe the meaning of discernment a. an apostolic decision b. an explicit choice c. wild imagination d. fantasy 2. who coined the term discernment as election a. st. Ignatius b. st. Benedict c. st john d. st. Alphonso 3. when we are on the discernment what do we consider the most a. gods will b. parents will c. mothers plan d. NCAE result 4. which is not part of the process of discernment a. always complain in the process b. talk to someone you know c. pray to do gods will let god speak to you 5. which is a part in discernment process a. prayerfully commit b. follow your vices c. give up easily d. be a loner 6. in smart mnemonic the S stands for a. specific b. special c. standard d. strong 7. which is not included in making a life time goal a. romance b. career c. pleasure d. physical 8. which is not part of setting goal a. follow your dreams goal b. set priority c. bet precise d. write down goals 9. what is the next step after you have plot your life time goal a. set smaller goal b. end the process c. set unrealistic goal d. plan to survival 10. which is an example of a life time goal a. to be the leading businessman in the country b. i can finish my modules this Friday c. i can accomplish my performance task this afternoon d. i can save 200 php at the end of this week end plsss po need na po ngayon helppp po
1) C. Wild imagination
2) D, St. Alphonso
3) A. God's will
4) Always complain in the process
5) A. Prayerfully commit
6) A. Specific
7) D.Physical
8) C. Bet precise
9) D. Plan to survival
10) D. I can save 20p php at the end of this weekend