Confront Tagalog

Confront Tagalog

in what ways can you as a Filipino reader be affected by such works (short in tagalog ) that endeavor to open the minds of people on socio-polotical and moral issues confronting the country​

Daftar Isi

1. in what ways can you as a Filipino reader be affected by such works (short in tagalog ) that endeavor to open the minds of people on socio-polotical and moral issues confronting the country​


making stories that can be a way to making people learn something

2. In what way can you as a Filipino reader be affected by such works (shorts stries Tagalog) that endeavor to open the minds of people on socio-pilitical & moral issue confronting the country​

okay who cares? like ganyaj ganun yad ga

3. in what ways can you as a Filipino reader be affected by such works (short stories in tagalog) that endeavor to open the minds of people on socio-political and moral issues confronting the country​


Jains to get out of the house number street from accounting and finance a concept map of the following is 6

4. confronting the culture of death mean?​


Paul Galloway, Tribune Religion WriterCHICAGO TRIBUNE. In a new encyclical issued Thursday, Pope John Paul II condemned a growing and widespread "culture of death" in which moral "crimes" such as abortion and euthanasia are viewed as individual rights.

5. In what ways can you as a filipino reader be affected by such works (short stories in tagalog) that endeavor to open the minds of people on socio-political and moral issues confronting the country. _________________________________________________________


I would do the above mentioned work because these types of short stories are very important for our Nation. It creates awareness among people around there about social and political aspects. For a country to be developed, improvement in social, economic, and political aspects is really important.

6. how are globalization and regionalization confronted by asia


— Clearly, globalization has had a major impact on Asia's role in the world economy. As recently as a decade ago, the developing countries of Asia accounted for only one-sixth of world output. In particular, economies with relatively high wage costs are shifting toward higher value-added products, including services.


7. What are the issues confronting hotel ?


-Hiring and retaining the staff.

-Change in marketing trends and dynamics.

-Operational issues.

-Rising cost of daily consumables.

-Housekeeping issues.

-Change in guest expectations.

-Irregular cash inflows.

-Data security challenges.


hope it helps.

8. meaning of confrontation​


CONFRONTATION- is an element of conflict wherein parties confront one another, directly engaging one another in the course of a dispute between them. A confrontation can be at any scale, between any number of people, between entire nations or cultures, or between living things other than humans.


a hostile or argumentative meeting or situation between opposing parties



9. the basic economic problems confronting the Philippines​


correct me if I'm wrong..hope its help

10. What challenges confront the youth today?​


Single Parent Households. Since the 1950s, the numbers of the single parent households have significantly increased. ...

Drug/Alcohol Abuse. ...

Growing Up Too Fast. ...

Violence in Schools. ...

Stress & Time Management. ...

Political & Social Issues. ...

Materialism. ...


11. Women are expected to be non confrontational in their language

For example, men are more likely to communicate as a way to maintain their status and independence, while women tend to view communication as a path to create friendships and build relationships. For men, communication is a way to negotiate for power, seek wins, avoid failure and offer advice, among other things.

12. 1. What are the roots of the problem that confronted property in the past and continue to confront property in the present day? Explain and expound your answer.


Traveling. Traveling both domestically and internationally is the number one cause of bed bug infestations. Places with high turnover rates, such as hotels, motels, and Airbnb's are prime spots for picking up bed bug

13. 1. Is there a major confrontation in the play? If so, what sort of confrontation is it? Who or what is involved? Does the confrontation lead to any recognition or change in awareness on the protagonist's part, either about herself/himself or about the world she/he inhabits? ​


Yes there was a major confrontation in the play. It is when Oscar confront her mother about his current situation and to the death of his father


14. Why isagani confront farther fernandez?


Because she love


they don't how to handle the situation

15. What is conflict confrontation

Conflict and confrontation often occur together. Neither is very pleasant, but both are part of our working and home lives. ... There are two situations where you may become involved in conflict and confrontation: either your own with other people, or a situation between two other parties.

16. kinds of dilemma that usually confronted by adolescent​


There are several types of moral dilemmas, but the most common of them are categorized into the following: 1) epistemic and ontological dilemmas, 2) self-imposed and world-imposed dilemmas, 3) obligation dilemmas and prohibition dilemmas, and 4) single agent and multi-person dilemmas.



PA follow back

follow back din kita


17. what issues about life are confronting ​

~River Of Dreams~ I Hope It Helps :D


The River of Dreams. that's it

18. in what ways can you as a filipino reader be affected by such works (short stories in tagalog)that endeavor to open the mids of people on socio-political and moral issues confronting the country.​


The books will open up knowledge to the reader, who will be able to demand a better positioning of politicians in relation to the socio-political and socio-economic problems that he is able to visualize in his community.

Read more on -

19. what conflicts are confronted by Pablo in this excerpt?


are can call can call Malay the day of the day or day you are able to call them to see what they have to say



20. sample of confrontation that showing tactfulness​


fat the ajfjxjznz


aaa ddd wwww

21. Social structure that confronted the man with the hoe

Struggle of the poor.

22. Describe what a counselor challenges in confrontation


When using confrontation, the counselor highlights incongruities between the client's verbal and nonverbal communication or within the client's verbal communication to facilitate the client's awareness of conflicts associated with specific issues or topics.

23. major issues confronting islam​


One-in-five (20%) cite discrimination, prejudice and unfair treatment as the biggest problem facing Muslims in this country. Another 15% mention ignorance or misconceptions about Islam. Far fewer cite religious or cultural problems between Muslims and non-Muslims (7%) and negative media portrayals (5%)

pa brainleast pls^^


One-in-five (20%) cite discrimination, prejudice and unfair treatment as the biggest problem facing Muslims in this country. Another 15% mention ignorance or misconceptions about Islam. Far fewer cite religious or cultural problems between Muslims and non-Muslims (7%) and negative media portrayals (5%).

24. Explain the issues confronting the nation-state .​

The role of the nation-state in globalization is a complex one in part due to the varying definitions and shifting concepts of globalization. While it has been defined in many ways, globalization is generally recognized as the fading or complete disappearance of economic, social, and cultural borders between nation-states. Some scholars have theorized that nation-states, which are inherently divided by physical and economic boundaries, will be less relevant in a globalized world.

25. Activity 11. In what ways can you as a Filipino reader be affected by such works(short stories in Tagalog) that endeavor to open the minds of people onsocio-political and moral issues confronting the country.pasagot po pleaseee​


the books will open up knowledge to the reader, who will be able to demand better positioning of politicians in relation to the socio political and socio-econmic problems that he is able to visualize in his community.


Books that have a narrative that can open people's minds about the socio political and moral issues facing the country, have managed to educate people and give them real insights into the community in which they live. Often these problems go unnoticed or are shown in a masked way to the population. The book, in this case, in the role of elucidating and informing, allowing the readers to have a greater capacity to demand changes, or to prove

26. What challenges confront the youth today?​


1st the Pandemic, it results a lot of fears, because of this pandemic some/all of church activities has interrupt 2nd, the trends, some of trends are not good for all youths, but sadly cause of interrupted activities for churches, they go to the flow of this world, the world also became more worstly, and that scares me.

27. what are the issues confronting women?​


they don't take it positively


that's it

28. In what ways can you as a Filipino reader can be affected by such works (short stories in Tagalog) that endeavor to open the minds of people on socio- political and moral issues confronting the country.

answer:Filipinos are a very hospitable and friendly people. They always smile no matter how they feel. If meeting someone for the first time, it would be good to smile at the person before you even start a conversation.

Filipinos are a very hospitable and friendly people. They always smile no matter how they feel. If meeting someone for the first time, it would be good to smile at the person before you even start a conversation.Filipino, which is largely-based on Tagalog, is the national language. English is also widely spoken by most Filipinos. The medium of instruction in most school is English. Media is mostly in Tagalog and English so it is not surprising that most Filipinos can speak English. It is easy for Filipinos to strike a conversation with any one even if they tend to be shy

follow me.

29. What are the ethical issues that confronts organizations​



30. what's the synonym of confronted? ​

confrohave a nice day prtty/handsome.

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